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// I S A B E L L A //


I pulled the duvet off of my body, the cool air causing goose bumps on my warm skin. I swung my legs over the side and grasped my phone from my bedside sleepily, rubbing my eyes. I sat on the edge of the bed and scrolled through my notifications as I yawned heavily. Most of the notifications consisted of messeges from my bestfriend, Lexi.

She was bantering about her conversation with her boyfriend, JJ, from last night. Apparently, some dirty remarks were made jokingly about where his hands wandered whilst their first kiss the night before.

I replied with an 'Lol' and set my phone back on the table before I got up and stumbled into my bathroom to run a shower. I brushed the tangles from my hair carefully as I waited for the water to warm up. Once I finished, I stripped from my large, plain t-shirt and underwear, and tossed them into the hamper.

I stepped into the shower with a sigh of relief as all of my senses come to life, fully waking up from my deep sleep. I feel the warm water trickle down my scalp, dampening my hair and pooring down my back. It felt amazing and relaxing. I had to force myself to wash off before the warm water ran out and I became late for work.

I began work at the local library a few months back, starting to save up to pay off my dorm. Even though college wasnt but an hour or so away from home, I decided to move out to get a clean start. Not that I had a bad family life. I actually had a great one, but I just decided to begin my life as an individual woman.

I was still quite young. At the age of eighteen I began college; which was only about eight months ago. I had classes three days a week, which wasn't bad at all. On Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays I worked from nine am to three pm. On Tuesdays I had a morning class from eight to eleven. Wednesdays I went to a night class from eight to eleven, and Thursdays another morning class.

I actually loved my schedule. I was able to have a late night out if I wanted on Tuesdays and get plenty of sleep for my night class on Wednesdays. Then, after my morning class on Fridays, I had the rest of that day and Saturday to do whatever.

When I finished showering, I dried off and tied on my silk robe. I brushed out my hair and dried it before getting into my closet and picking my outfit for today. It was the middle of march so summer was close, although it wasn't cold out anymore, either. I chose a dark gray, cotton long sleave and a black skirt. I tucked in my top and added my favorite studs to my ears. I slipped on a plain choker and a necklace with a pretty pearl inthe middle.

I went back into my bathroom and moisturized my face. I added a bit of foundation and pressed it with powder. I tight lined my eyes after dusting on some eyeshadow and did up my lashes since they were my favorite. I pulled up half of my hair into a high pony and straightened over the bottom portion. I swiped some nude, matte lipstick and slipped on my black flats.

I was out the door after checking my appearance in the mirror slightly and grabbing my phones, keys, and purse.

When I arrived at the library down the street, I parked in the usual spot in the left corner of the parking lot and walked across the pavement, passing the usual car in the middle of the lot waiting for the doors to open. A boy always sat in his car watching the doors as I arrived each morning. He was very rude each time he rented a book. I wasn't quite sure why but after a few weeks I stopped worrying myself. I was always very polite to him but he never returned the favor. The first week or so of me working in this position, he rented a different book every morning and sat in the same chair and read it every single day.

Every once in a while I would glance over my shoulder at him and his eyes would be peeking over the book, slightly. Eying me. As soon as he'd realize my attention on him, he would snap them back down to the words on the page.

It creeped me out at first, but only confused me after Aaron told me he used to be nice. I pushed it from my mind as I got to my desk and heard the door swing to and from the hinges and I knew the boy had arrived. I refused to turn my attention to him as I unpacked my phone and water bottle onto the desk. I turned and was startled as the boy's figure stood in front of the desk.

I gasped and a hand clung to my chest as I was in relief that it was only him. "Can I help you?" I asked and forced a smile. "What book of mine is due today?" He asked so impolitely I wanted to scream. "Uh- name?" I asked, waiting with my fingers resting against the keys on the keyboard.

He heavily scoffed, rolling his eyes then meeting mine with his, "I'm here every day, you should know my name by now.." My eyebrows knitted together as I cleared my throat nervously. "I'm sorry I have many customers each day." I tried not to cock an attitude with him but it was growing harder and harder with each visit.

"Harry." He said monotonous. I typed the letters into the search bar. My white nails clicked against the surface of each key as 'Styles, Harold Edward' popped into the recents column.

I told him which book was due this week and he turned on his heel to return with the correct book. Since the library allowed you five books to be checked out under one account at once, he did just that and had a different book due every monday.

If you're going to check them out then keep track of which one is due rather than being rude, I thought.


Thoughts so far? Please comment :) Gonna wait until I get positive feedback to update :)


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