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// I S A B E L L A //


We arrived at Panera and ordered our food. We were seated in a booth as we made small talk. She seemed a bit off today. She seemed down and I knew what she looked like when she'd either been crying or was about to cry. When we got our drinks, I took a sip and decided to comfront her feelings.

"So, what's with you?" I ask sweetly. She looked down a bit and then back up at me. "What do you mean?" I looked at her as if I she told me the sky was yellow. "Lex, come on. I know when something is up with you. You aren't your usual happy self." I smiled softly to brighten the mood. "It's- just JJ, I don't know..." She looked around the cafe.

"Did you break up?" I asked concerned. "N- no." Her lip quivered slightly and I saw a glossy film over her eyes. I tilted my head to the side slightly, "Lex, I'm sorry.. Are you fighting?" She nodded slowly and the waiter appeared with a tray.

"BLT?" He looked from both of us and I raised my hand slightly. He sat the basket in front of me with a neat looking sandwich on the paper that laid in the basket. I took a sip from my iced tea and bit into it whilst Lexi bit into her sandwich.

I decided to go away from the touchy subject and talk about school. We were in the same school and our dorms were a few steps apart, but our class schedules were seperate so we drifted a bit. It made me sad but she was still my closest friend. We hung out most weekends, doing things like shopping and getting coffee.

We finished our food while we talked about the nurse assistant internship I applied for recently. It was something I would use to not only get extra money but help me in the feild I was going to school for currently, also. And I got the job! I had already been called in once and I wasn't sure when the next time would be. When we were done, we went back to my place. She stayed and talked for a bit but rushed off when she got a call from JJ. I was a bit stunned by her sudden change in demeanor, but brushed it off soon after. I pulled out my Harry Potter book and sat on the balcony to read.

I absolutely loved reading but I only usually read one book series. That one series was Harry Potter, obviously my all-time favorite.

While I was reading, I heard faint sirens in the air. I didn't think much about it so I continued reading until the sound grew louder and louder. I sat up in my chair and looked down at the city. The cop cars and fire trucks came into view and they stopped right below my building. The cars on the road all went to either side of the wide road, creating a path.

After a few minutes of faint voices of men talking about collision codes I realized I couldn't read properly. I went back inside to get some water and watch tv. I plopped down on the couch with a glass of ice water and pulled a blanket to surround me. I tugged my hair into a messy bun on top of my head to keep it from my eyes and relaxed into the cushions.

I luckily already had the channel on two, which was Ellen Degenerous. I enjoyed watching that show at times like these.

I began to drift off after I finished my water and chomped on the ice. I nestled my head into the corner and curled my legs up under the plush cover. I fell into a light slumber as I watched the credits scroll up the screen.


Short filler to get the madness started ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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