☆Chapter One☆

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I twirl and twirl.

But it's hard to focus when you have a pair of eyes watching your every movement.

My friends move around me, performing for our instructor. I find myself leaning against the bar, gripping my hands around it. I stretch my leg straight in the air, then push up very slowly, my weight all balanced on my right foot. I look in the mirror, staring at my posture and position. My eyes wondered around until I saw him, staring right at me. We locked eyes for a split second, but I tore away and continued.

"That's all for today, remember next month is our annual swan lake performance," said Ms. Flora.

I slowly make my way toward my bag which is half way opened. I zip it up and sling it over my back.

"Your boyfriend's here,"snickered Stacie.

I knew who she was talking about, I just rolled my eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said loudly, hoping he would hear.

I glance over at him, his eyes are fixated on the other dancers. Stacie laughs and pats my back.

"Just joking, let's go I'm starved."

"Wait, I wanna see if he leaves when I leave," I whisper to her.

The two of us wait at the entrance for a few minutes. When he doesn't show I pop my head back into the studio. He's gone.

"Where did he go?" Stacie asks, looking after me.

I sigh,"I don't know. Let's just go home."

"He's kinda cute though," she smirks at me.

"He's a soon to be dropout in a cruddy band with tattoos and piercings Stace," I point out.

"Geez give him a break Kayla, besides, who doesn't like a bad boy?"

"Me. And he isn't a bad boy, he's a slacker."

"You're so judgmental."

I instantly started feeling bad, maybe I was being a little too harsh. Besides, I barely knew the guy. Except that he's in all of my classes and sits in the very back, tapping his fingers repeatedly against the desk.

"I'm sorry ok? It would never work, that's all I'm trying to say," I clutched onto my bag tighter.

"Yeah yeah ok, enough about the guy. Changing the subject now, are you excited about the swan lake recital?"

I shrug and walk alongside of Stacie. The cars drive by, leaving the air musky and grey. I glance at my reflection in a store window.

"Yeah, I'm the lead, no surprise there," I say bluntly.

"Haha ok hotshot," Stacie chuckles.

"Even after doing this for five years I still can't find that dance move I'm missing, just like what Ms. Flora said," I kick a rock around.

"Oh don't think too much about it," Stacie waves her hand around.

I shake my head,"No, she's right. I'm missing something, but I've tried everything and I still can't find it... What could it possibly be?"

"Just listen to me Kayla. You have skill, determination, love for your ballet, but you're missing that one thing," she explains.

I look at her,"What? What it is?"


I quirk an eyebrow. "Passion?"

"Yes passion! What is your passion Kayla?" she stares at me.

"Ballet, how does that help me?" I scowl.

"No Kayla, why do you dance? What do you dance for? Your passion is dancing but why? That's what Ms. Flora's looking for, your movements are stiff and robotic, she doesn't see your passion and why you love doing what you do, does that make sense?"

I rub my arms, trying to soak in everything she said.

"I guess?"

"You'll understand sooner or later."

We don't talk anymore about it. But she did get me thinking. Why do I dance? Just because I enjoy it? There has to be something missing, and I'm going to find out what it is. Nothing will get in my way, not even Michael Clifford.

That's where I was wrong.

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