☆Chapter Three☆

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"Correct Kayla."

I pushed my glasses up onto my nose and scribbled down some more notes. Ten right answers in a row, I'm on fire today. All my classmates are out of it, either sleeping, pretending to pay attention, or are in La La Land. As I'm writing down something the teacher wrote on the board, I hear tapping.

Tat tat tap rat tat tat tap rat.

I can't felt but feel distracted now. I slowly turn my head and see him in the very back, tapping away. He's leaned back, up against the wall. I stare too long because now he looks at me, a smirk on his face. I scowl and turn back around, using my anger to furiously write down more notes.

When class ends, I gather my stuff together.

"You got a problem?"

I barely turn my head when I hear his voice. Taking off my glasses I shove them in my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"Yes, your tapping is very obnoxious," I say without looking at him.

"Do you have ballet practice today?" Michael stands in front of me now, hands behind his head.

He completely changes he subject.

"Everyday, are you some kind of stalker?" I ask him.

Michael laughs,"No just wondering. So my tapping is annoying?"

I put my hand on his chest and push him back before walking by.


"I'll stop."

I turn around,"You will?"

Michael grins and stands in front of me yet again.


I groan,"I knew that was coming."

"If you come and watch me practice," Michael gets closer.

Practice, with Ashton, Luke, and Calum? The hottest guys in school. A blush rises on my cheeks just thinking about them.

"Hmm... Ok, what time?" I question, folding my arms.

"Right after school, we'll ride on my motorcycle."

"No way, I'm not riding a motorcycle," I shivered.

"Why, scared?"

I scoff,"I am not scared."

"Then what's the big deal?"

"You know what, fine, after school."

He grins,"See you later Kayla Bay."

I watch him walk away, and growl to myself. Why did I agree to this again? Oh yeah, hotties, right. The rest of school is a blur, the only thing I'm thinking about is Michael's practice. Which I have no clue why, it's no big deal. After school I wait outside, quickly I text Stacie and tell her I'll see her later at ballet practice.

I hear a loud noise in the distance; few moments later and a motorcycle zips up next to the school steps. I cross my arms and watch Michael take off his helmet.

"Get on."

I slowly walk over and look at the motorcycle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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