sneak peak

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Lemme tell u about my life living in the south side of Chicago. Losing my brother at a young age. Then losing my first love. Then losing everything.

People always said Chicago not the place to be. But Chicago that shits in me.

No matter how crazy it get, niggas still don't understand.

I can't trust nobody, u gotta be careful who u tell your business to. Snakes eventually expose themselves. I learned tho if u don't check the grass for snakes u can't complain about being bitten. Always remember family don't mean shit to no snake.

With out music out here life would be an error. U can say music is an escape land for people in Chicago. Every thing would be 10 times worst with out it. It's hard out here and everybody just tryna make it.

I didn't chose this life nobody did. This life chose me. It's how u handle it all we tryna do is make it and separate are selfs.

I wanna share a story with you about me and my family. To where we started to where we are now.


Just a sneak peak

This is a L'A capone story.

Excuse any mistakes

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