Royals of Camelot

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We stepped through the portal to see a forest. "Am I dreaming?" I asked the no-longer-old boy who seemed to be getting something out of his satchel.
"Nope, I told you to come with me to Camelot, why would I joke you?" He threw a dress at me, "Put those on."
"Why should I listen to you?" I said huffing at the clothes and walking behind a tree as he did the same.
"Because, apparently you're very good at it."
He came out the same time I did wearing what looked like rags.

"How do people wear these things?" I whined trying to see if my toes had cut off circulation in the shoes

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"How do people wear these things?" I whined trying to see if my toes had cut off circulation in the shoes. "Anyway, you never told me your name! I should feel dumb to trust someone that I don't know their own name!"
"Merlin is my name. And you're Matilda, correct?"
"Merlin? Merlin! I am really in Camelot!" I said with my mouth open wide, and I ignored his question.
He rolled his eyes, "Yes. Yes you are, now come on!" He started to walk away as I grinned at him. I think I like this guy.

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I was so star struck about the little markets, and somehow nobody seemed to notice that it was the 12th century, as if it was everyday for them... Oh wait. It is.
I failed to notice that Merlin had stopped in front of me, and I crashed right into him. "Woah." I said regaining my balance. "Sorry!" I winced smiling a little as he glared and kept walking into the castle. I watched him enter and stood there thinking, 'Huh, didn't know he could have a face like a hottie, yet act like a nightmare. There we go Taylor, dammit my phone won't work! Well, he's a nightmare dressed like a daydream.' I walked in to the little door of the castle to see everything so.... Beautiful. Absolutely amazing!
"C'mon." He said motioning me forwards as my thoughts vanished.
"Mm okay!" I said cheerfully smiling at the servants passing by.
"Don't do that." He said scoldingly.
"Do what?" I scratched my head.
"Smile. You look like an idiot."
"What? Don't smile?"
"Yes. Don't. It's dark times." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight space. "The King is dead. But Queen Gwen knows you're here and why you are."
"Um why am I here?"
"Did I leave out that part?"
"Yeah. Yeah you did. Why am I here, MERLIN?" I put my hands on my hips.
"To bring the King back...." I punched his gut then put my hand to his mouth as he groaned. I let go.
"Ow! What the hell, Matilda?!"
"I don't know how to! I don't have any magic like you do!"
"You know I have magic?" He rubbed his gut.
"Well, yeah. Remember I'm the Camelot and such a geek?" We chuckled.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you." He looked at me and smiled.
"Teach me? TEACH ME? The hell, if I don't have magic how- mph!" He cut me off by placing his warm rough hands on my mouth shushing me.
"Shh, don't let anyone hear you but the queen."
"The queen?" I asked as he let his hand drop.
"Right, as I mentioned before. Come on then!" And we scuttled away.
I passed by faces of glum, and tired Knights. But seriously, everything was soo beautiful! It was utterly amazing. I patted my sides, where my pockets were to find no phone. No phone equals no camera, which equals me muttering some words that people aren't too keen on.
We arrived to two enormous beautifully decorated doors, and the knights opened them for us. I looked forward to see large windows and curtains an interior designer would be jealous of.
"Your majesty." Merlin bowed as it took me a second to realise and do the same. My face started heating up for not thinking quick enough.
"Merlin," a warm fuzzy woman's voice said. "Please, is this her?"
"Yes, your majesty, this is Matilda." I rose smiling wickedly, because hey whenever do you actually meet the queen? I mean not like Queen Elizabeth the whatever number, but like the queen of actual Camelot!
"Your majesty, it's a pleasure." I said curtsying.
"Please, the pleasure is all mine." She said smiling and standing up. "Can you bring him back? Camelot needs a King and I don't care what it takes to get him back."
I stood there shocked "Yes. I believe I can." Well, that was that I guess.

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