2. Daily Routine

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"Ugh....", I groaned as I heard my alarm go off. Great that means today must be Monday and my wonderful weekend of sleeping and bingeing on Netflix is ruined. Awesome. I flung the covers off of myself and slowly sat up. "Mom!" I yelled. "Yes oh wonderful daughter of mine". My mother replied. "Haha very funny Mom. Do I have to go to school today?" I asked. "Of course honey. If you ever want to become a musician." She replied. I sighed. "Okay Mom." I swung my legs over my bed and stood up. "What to wear today?" I mumbled to myself. I lifted up my arms and smelled each armpit. "Oh dear god..." I said in disgust. "A shower is what I need to take first." I said to myself. I grabbed a towel and rushed to the shower. I shaved my armpits and my legs and then washed my hair. I made sure before I got out that I washed everything important. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. While tying my towel I looked at myself in the mirror. "Wow. Someone needs to lose some weight. Guess you won't be eating breakfast or lunch, unless you wanna get fatter. Might wanna try eating NEVER!" I thought to myself. I stood there with one tear trickling down my cheek. Then I walked out and sat on my bed. I debated for a few minutes on what I should wear until I decided to just grab clothes. I picked up my black sweater hoping to hide the huge gashes on my forearms, then I put on a black skirt hoping it wasn't too short, and finally I put on my black converse. I'm not emo or anything like that I just prefer to wear darker colored clothes and shoes. I walked down the stairs as I put my hair in a ponytail. "Honey, would you like a bagel?" Mom asked. "No I'm fine. Plus I need to get going if I don't want to be late to school". I said "happily". She believed me. I kissed her on the cheek goodbye and then I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

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