4. Shitty Crest High

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"Dude I fucking hate this school man. The teachers are shit. We don't learn fucking anything. The lunch here taste like prison food and don't get me started on the plumbing". I complained to Elvis. "Bro. Chill. This school is alright." Elvis replied. "The only reason you say that is because you actually like this place and because your girlfriend Melissa goes here." I said. Elvis punched me in the arm as we both laughed. We both started walking to first period, which we shared together. That was the only class I sort of enjoyed, but only because Elvis had the same class. Algebra class is boring as hell and on top of that Mr. Jankowski tries to hard to be cool. Elvis and I walked into class still laughing as we both took a seat in the back. I wasn't in my usual spot, but Elvis thought it would be a good idea if we started sitting in the back.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media hoping to find something interesting. I kept scrolling as I noticed a figure coming towards me. "Hey, you're sitting in my-" the female voice stopped mid-sentence as I looked up. She looked incredible and she was so small. Her skirt was short, but not to short and her tits were small, but that's okay I don't mind small tits. But her ass it was pretty big for a girl her age. I had to stop my thoughts before the bulge in my pants became noticeable. "What the hell do you want?" I said. "You-..uh..-you're-..um." she stumbled over her words. I could tell she was nervous and it was was kinda adorable. "What?! Spit it out already! Shit!" I yelled frustrated from the growing bulge in my pants. "Nothing". She whispered as she hurried away to a seat 2 rows away from me. Elvis looked up at me having heard the whole thing. "Dude, why you gotta be so rude?" he asked. "I-I don't know. She was pissing me off, because she wouldn't say what she wanted." I said. "I think I took her seat though." I mumbled. I could feel my bulge going down as class started. While Mr. Jankowski was teaching some stupid shit that I'll probably never understand, I took a glance at her. "I wonder what she's drawing." I thought. I kept staring at her, until the bell rang. "See ya later man." Elvis said as he patted me on the shoulder. "Mr. Martinez, I assume you'll be staying after class to work on tonight's homework?" Mr. Jankowski asked. I paid no attention to him as I noticed she was still here. "Alex, class is over now. You can leave." Mr. Jankowski said. She got up and sped out of class so quick I swear she was Sonic the Hedgehog. "Please begin your work Mr. Martinez". Mr. Jankowski said. But I couldn't focus at all, because my mind kept wandering back to her. "Alex." I whispered.

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