3. School

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I arrived at school with surprisingly 10 minutes to spare. I fast walked to my locker hoping I wouldn't be interrupted by the She Devil herself. Sadly, my hopes were wrong and the High School Slut made her way towards my locker and slammed it shut. Then she bumped me with her hips as she kept walking down the hall with her gang of sluts. It didn't bother me much, since I'm used to this treatment by her. The sad thing is Melissa and I used to be the best of friends in middle school. We would never leave each other's side. Even when one of us had to use the restroom, the other would stand outside the stall. But everything changed in 7th grade. She thought she was so much better than me, because she was dating one of the popular guys. I never liked Tyler. I always had the feeling he was only with her to get in her pants, because she was more developed than me. Once 8th grade hit, I found out she lost her virginity to Tyler. She came running back to me crying because he told everyone and me being the way I am, I accepted her back. That was the dumbest decision I had ever made. Now she's my high school bully. I unlocked my locker and got my books out for my first period. I slowly began walking down the hallway to Algebra. I hated Algebra, but Mr. Jankowski was pretty cool. He was laid back teacher. The only thing that really got to him was when you didn't turn in your homework on time. There was always this one kid, Brian I think that's his name, who would never turn in his work on time and Mr. Jankowski would make him stay after class and finish the next days work. I walked into class and noticed my seat was taken. "Hey, you're sitting in my-" I paused mid-sentence. He looked up at me with the cutest smile. I noticed he had dimples and I couldn't help, but start to blush. "What the hell do you want?" he said. "You-...uh you're-...um-" I stumbled upon my words. "What?! Spit it out already! Shit!" he yelled. "Nothing."I whispered as I took a seat a row away from him in the back of the class. I drew a few doodles in my notebook while Mr. Jankowski taught the class polynomials. When I looked up again class had ended and I was left with that kid Brian and Mr. Jankowski. "Alex, class is over now. You can leave." Mr. Jankowski said. I kept my head down as I sped out of class. I quickly made it to my second period, English, with Mrs. Caldwell. By lunch I was a nervous wreck and I just wanted to leave. Luckily, today was a short day, so after lunch everyone was allowed to leave. Once I made it home I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. "Honey, are you okay? Are you sick?" my mom asked. "I'm fine, Mom. I just had a long day." I said while yawning. "Okay sweetie. Go back to sleep." she said. I rolled over on my side and fell back into a deep sleep.

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