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"So this is a dead end, he won't talk!" Gibbs said obviously annoyed that the guy in there really got on his nerves and he still hadn't had any coffee yet since they boarded (the airplane coffee wouldn't count as it was way to yuck).
"Maybe he doesn't have to though, Abba, you tracked down Ima when she disappeared, how 'bout you do that now? Where would grandpa have his a file and Ima would find it?"
"Tali, you're a genius!" Tony yelled out loud and then ran to the car, jumping in Tali and the others not far behind. When all of them were seated he sped of to the house Tali grew up in which remained as a ruin after the burn out.
He ran to where Eli's office was once and dropped down on his knees, pulling up a floor board revealing an empty spot. Sighing he leaned back.
" I don't understand, I was sure it would be here!"
"It was, Ima used to open the floor board at the exact same spot and then there was this paper thing inside. When she got out she must have taken it with her. She always used to talk about so many happy times with you and where it all started in this fairytale in year 2415 when we sat on the couch in the corner of the room."
"2415?"Tony asked curious.
"Yes, why?"
"I know where it is!" With that they went back to the airport.

The grown up ~ Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now