Chapter 1

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The first memory that I have is waking up in the middle of the field surrounded with Pansies.

Though I wasn't completely alone, next to me lay a boy about my age dressed in a sleeping gown similar to my own. Just his was pink while mine was blue.

I waited for him to wake up as I made a flower crown.


"Excuse me"

A voice behind me said. Shivers went down my spine, I was 100% not ready for this, not ready to talk, not ready to do ANYTHING involving other people!!! I turned around to see an equally scared boy who was trying to cover it up with a obnoxious smirk.

"I-I'm Feliks Łukasiewicz and I'm totally not like scared of meeting new people!"

My eyes widened, he's my brother..
Or should I say twin! A smile made it's way to my lips and all the bad thoughts disappeared.

"Florentyna Łukasiewicz, pleasure to meet you braciszku"

With those words all the worry in his eyes disappeared and his smirk got replaced with a sincere smile.

"The pleasure's all mine siostrzyczko"

I giggled at his quick mood change. Feliks looked around and sat down in the grass next to me

"whatcha doing?"

"I'm making a flower crown, want to try?"


~flashback end~

And that's how I met Feliks, my brother, my best friend and the personification of my country!

Hey~ it's my birthday today so I thought maybe I'll finally write that chapter of my fanfiction and....
I did it!!!!
Yay ~

I'm such a procrastinator...

Well I hope you liked it and see you soon... after tomorrow... yeah I'll post it after tomorrow... maybe...

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