You Find Out He Has Feelings For You

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You had met Aaron a year ago and felt an instant attraction to him but unfortunately you couldn't tell he felt the same so you hid it but lately Aaron had been more friendly and hung around you a lot more which you didn't mind. One afternoon you two were hanging out watching Netflix you had managed to get him to watch a corny movie with you and right at the bit where the guy gets the girl Aaron grabbed your chin and turned you to look at him before softly kissing your lips.


Roy and you hadn't been friends for long you were introduced by mutual friends and had hit it off instantly he loved your loyalty and you just loved everything about him. I was another normal day for you two hanging out making dresses and dancing to cheesy pop music when Roy stopped sewing to watch you sing and dance with a small smile on his face. He stood and brought you into his arms "You're so beautiful" blushing you smile and gasp when you feel his soft lips on yours.


Danny and you had been friends since you were in diapers and had been through almost everything with each other even embarrassing moments which is how you knew that you were actually in love with him but you knew he just thought of you as a friend. One night you were getting ready to go to the club with Danny and his friends when he suddenly burst in on you half naked "Danny!" you quickly pulled a towel around you as Danny stared. Walking up to you Danny pushed you onto your bed before lying over you and kissing you like you had never been kissed before.


Shane was friends with your older brother and you had always thought he was cute but you were just the kid sister of his friends but lately he had been inviting you places to hang out and smiled every time you walked into the room. You were sunbathing out the back yard waiting for Shane to arrive, with your earphones in your ear you didn't realize you were belting out songs until you felt a hand take them out of your ears looking up you saw smiling Shane "You sing just as beautiful as you are" freezing in shock you felt Shane pull you into a deep passionate kiss.


Justin and you weren't very close until a couple of weeks ago when he kept playfully touching you and hugging you but you didn't mind he was an awesome funny guy plus it helped that he was hot. You had developed feelings for him and the more he playfully flirted with you the deeper you feel and one evening he was joking flirting to the max and you felt yourself swooning. Justin looked at you more serious than he had ever looked "I wish you liked me as much as I love you" snapping your head up to look at him he looked determined before grabbing the back of your neck and pulled your lips to his.


You never got on with Willam you thought he was rude and obnoxious because he always talked dirty to you but he did have a nice side which you saw often but today wasn't one of those days "How many times have I told you not to talked to me like that!" you shouted at him as he looked like you had just killed his puppy "I'm sorry ok..." you raised an eyebrow "You are?" he nodded slowly before taking a step towards you "I like you a lot and now I realize that this wasn't the best way of showing you" Willam looked at you as you stood there shocked, he stepped forward again so you were touching he closed the gap between you in a deep meaningful kiss.

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