Alec gets with Magnus

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Alec's POV:
Its about to be my first date with Magnus.. Izzy helped me get dressed up even though I tried to get out of it but failed. As I walk out seeing I have 15 minutes to get to the park I say goodbye to Jace and izzy.. Thinking about it Jace has been acting strange near me since I've kissed Magnus I mean I thought he would be supportive even though he is straight maybe its because its the way we were raised or maybe something else I'll have to talk to him about that later. I see Magnus he is sitting down on a blanket guess this is going to be a pinic date... Cute He looks great glad I'm not the only one dressed up that would've been embarrassing... Magbus motioned me to sit next to me so I did so

Magnus POV:
I see alec walking towards me.. He looks deep in thought so when he gets near me I pat the ground next to me and he sits I wonder what he was thinking about.. He looks dashing I thought a pinic would be good for a first date.. Kinda romantic I think I haven't been on a date since me and Camile were together now that I'm way over her and I'm way into Alec I've always had a think for a guys with black hair and blue eyes.. *Magnus* Alec said and it startled me seeing that I was deep in thought I just a look at him and say Yes?

Alecs POV:
Magnus hasn't said anything in like 10 minutes he must be really thinking deeply so I yell *Magnus* and it startled him and he responded with Yes? What were thinking of? I think thats the longest I've seen you never talk before and I laugh he just looks at me and laughs Well Lightwood I was thinking of you and of course I blush madly and try to cover it up but as always I failed Magbus leaned over and kissed my cheek Let's go its getting dark and we leave to Magnus' apartment
Update soon next chapter Jace confesses to Alec that he loves him ~Jeff the Queen~

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