Jace confesses his feelings

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Jaces POV:
Alec never came home last night guess he went to magnus' I need to tell him my true feeling before it's to late to steal him from magnus but how I mean do I just kiss him or do I just tell him.. How will I tell Clary? Why do I feel this way??? Uggh I hate my feelings

Alec POV:
I'm walking back to the institute I still need to ask Jace why he is acting strange I walk in and I see Jace he is in his usual pose arms crosses and leaning against something so I walk up to him being the straightforward person I am and I just ask him What's been up with you lately Jace? Is it because I'm with Magnus or something? Cause I thought you would be ok with it caus- Then the worst thing in the world happened..

Jaces POV:
Alec just rushes in asking all these questions he looked so adorable I just ha no choice but to kiss him it was the only way to answer all those questions at once I mean I shouldn't have especially cause as soon as I stopped alec had the worse look on his face and I didn't check my surroundings cause Magnus was at the door with a look of pure anger like he could kill me right then and there and I did the only rasional thing I could think of and of course it was to run away past alec past magnus and to anywhere but there

Alec's POV:
Jace my old crush, my brother, my parabatai, just kissed me and I wasn't expecting it and I didn't really like it suprizingly cause I used to dream of kissing Jace but his lips are chapped and dry it was also a sloppy kiss so I turn around just to be face to face with Magnus and before I can speak he says Save it Lightwood and walks out great he's mad when I didn't even want to kiss Jace I have to fix this so I run after Magnus and pushed him into the closest wall and look him the eyes Magnus whatever you saw I didn't want it and I didn't like it it was just as surprising to me as you so don't be mad I didn't do anything I don't even like Jace but I love you The magnus' eyes widen and I realized what I just said so I let go of him and utter out Sorry Magnus then I feel his lips against mine and he says I love you to Alexander
Update soon my phones about to die next will still be about Jace and alec ~Jef the Queen~

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