Part 3

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<Honeykit's PoV>

Honeykit: So now that I have the MoonGem, I'm unstoppable! Let's climb up this tree, and see what pranks I can play on my rescue team.

Honeykit: Well, let's see. I could set off an EMP and then they'd have to talk cause their phones would shut off. *fiddles*

Honeykit: It's all set... now it's just a waiting game...It'll set off, turn off their phones leaving them in chaos for me to step in and save them.

Honeykit: I wonder if my mother is still thinking about me...

</Honeykit's PoV>


Lilypaw_Backup: Help! My phone died and I don't know what to do! Luckily, I have a backup.

Hollytail_Backup: Well, who doesn't have a backup phone. I mean, talking to each other is so inconceivable.

Grayheart_Backup: Yah.

Honeykit: Hey y'all. You found me so now we can go home. I'll turn the phones on since my prank failed and I didn't think about backup phones.

Swallowtail: I'll get you one when we return, honey.

Hollytail: No, you can't. Only apprentices and up can have a backup.

Grayheart: Since when?

Hollytail: Since I became leader, that's why. Honeykit doesn't need one, and besides, she'll be an apprentice soon enough. Lilypaw had to wait, and we had to go on a whole adventure without phones because hers was in for repair.

Swallowtail: I hate you. <.<

[Swallowtail and Hollytail leave @node#travel?="transfer" @Private_Chat]

Hollytail: Why, Swallowtail? Why didn't you tell me you were Grayheart's sister?

Swallowtail: Don't you understand? I am his sister, but not by blood! You were so stuck-up and selfish as a kit you never knew that LightClan took in a rogue kit. That was me.

Hollytail: What? When?

Swallowtail: Remember Willowpaw?

<Hollytail's FLASHBACK>

Hollypaw and Willowpaw bounded up the slope. From there they could see the beautiful view of the lake. It rippled ever so slightly and had a glassy reflection in the greenleaf sun. This was Hollypaw's final assessment, and the pair had to hunt together. This was the last time the two could be together, as Hollypaw would be escorted to special training shortly after her warrior ceremony.

"Oh Hollypaw! I'll miss you so much! Why must you leave?" Willowpaw mewed.

"I don't want to leave you either... but it must happen. This is destined to happen, I know it." Hollypaw replied somberly.

"I suppose it'll be okay... because now I can be the one with Graypaw all the time. You'll be with Foxfang, your parents will make sure of it." Willowpaw meowed wryly.

"Hey! You promised you wouldn't tell... You told them didn't you.... How could you Willowpaw!" Hollytail shrieked.

Hollytail ran one way, and Willowpaw followed her and mewed, "It's for the best anyway, he doesn't even like you."

Hollytail pounced on Willowpaw. They struggled together on the precipice of the cliff. Hollypaw eventually pinned Willowpaw down because of her greater size and skill.

"How DARE you say that to me! You will regret this forever Willowpaw. I promise that. You're eviler than ShadowClan! " Hollypaw shrieked.

Hollypaw released Willowpaw and she stumbled backward. Suddenly, Willowpaw lost her grip on the edge, and went plummeting to her death.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!" Willowpaw yowled.

A dull thud hit the bottom. Hollypaw looked over the edge to see a unmoving heap of silver fur. It was too far to get down to grieve her friend.

"Well I suppose Graypaw's mine now." Hollypaw meowed.

She bounded away to camp to tell the news. When she got back to camp, she told them that they were hunting and Willowpaw slipped on the edge. The Clan went and got her body, and told Hollypaw that they couldn't get it back up the cliff, and had to leave her there.

</Hollytail's FLASHBACK>

Hollytail: Yes.... I remember her. Back from my apprentice days, eh? Such wonderful times I had with her, save for one.

Swallowtail: I am the daughter of Willowpaw; Willowleaf to me anyways. She did indeed survive that fall, when you pushed her off the cliff. Willowleaf brought me to the Clan; she wanted me to live by the warrior code and feel the honor of being a warrior. I was taken under Grayheart's wing, and his mother was my mentor, which made us as close as littermates.

Hollytail: ...

Swallowtail: But you, oh you saw how much attention I got from him. You, consciously or not, associated me with my mother in some way and have hated me for as long as I can remember. Grayheart loves me as a sister, and now most people think we are actual littermates.

Hollytail: I knew there was something familiar about you!<snarls> I will always hate her, she betrayed me to Foxfang, and in turn, ruined the relationship I had with my mother.

Swallowtail: But you never had that great of a relationship with your mother.

Hollytail: That is true, but it was completely gone after I rejected Foxfang.

Swallowtail: Why do you hate me, then?

Hollytail: I....don't know. You just seemed so much like your mother personality-wise, I guess it just offput me even though I didn't know how you were related to her. You're just another living strand, a living memory of my worst memory.

Swallowtail: But that's not my fault. Can we be friends now?

Hollytail: Sure :3.

[Hollytail and Swallowtail log on @node#travel]

Hollytail: We're back.

Lilypaw: So what happened?

Grayheart: FOX! Everyone, attack!

Fox: <dies after getting pummeled by cats>

[5 hours later <time?=sunhigh>]

[Hollytail, Swallowtail, Grayheart, and Lilypaw log on @node#camp]

[Brightbreeze logs on @node#camp]

Brightbreeze: Hey look! The patrol has returned!

Brightbreeze: I'm so proud of you Lilypaw, for going on this epic journey.

Hollystar: Now that we're back, you can be a warrior. I name you Lilyheart, my lovely daughter. You can have Honeykit as an apprentice when she's old enough.

Lilyheart: Yay I'm a warrior now! Honeykit, we'll have a lot of fun when you become my apprentice, and have lots of un-educational fun.

LightClan: *groans*


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