Who Cares About Danger? [Akito x Akai]

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Akito smiled slightly as his eyes ran over the new blade, the metal shining in the sunlight as he walked. His brother had purchased him a new katana, but was unable to actually give him the blade because he was sent off on a last minute mission.

So Akito picked up the blade himself, no big deal to the boy because he had more time to stare at the blade in all its beauty. The boy was walking through downtown Konoha, back to his home with a certain blue haired girl leaped in front of him.

"Akito!" Akai said, smiling at him. "What's that, tashikani?" She asked.

"It's my new katana. My brother got it for me because I made it through my first C-rank mission." Akito said with a smile, and Akai nodded.

"It's pretty. My dagger is still better though." She said, giving him a bright smile. Akito knew Akai was sick, but he was happy for moments where she acted like her own self.

"I don't know about that, my katana seemed pretty strong."

"Maybe we should settle this for real. A duel?" Akai asked with a smile, and Akito gave a quick nod.

"You're on!"

| * | * | * | * | * |

The two kids walked on top of a hill, and Akai pulled out her dagger, spinning it between her fingers with ease. Akito glanced over at Akai, his eyes watching the silk movement of her fingers with the small sword, and he smiled to himself.

Akai stopped once the were on top of a hill, and she turned her body towards Akito, her finger still twirling the dagger around in circles as she stared at the blonde boy.

"Are you still wanting to duel? Because it doesn't look like it. You're probably scared, tashikani!" Akai smirked, and Akito chuckled slightly as he took a fighting stance, his leg sliding back slightly and his weight following the leg that was further back. He pulled out his katana, and wrapped his hands firmly around the base of it, nodding at Akai.

"Now who isn't prepared?" Akito said, and Akai gave a laugh as she took a similar stance, but only one hand wrapped around the handle of the dagger, her eyes locked on Akito's.

"I'm ready, Naokaze." Akai said, and it was Akito that made the first move. He ran towards Akai, and slashed his katana down at her. The girl swung her dagger in the way of his sword, the two blades connecting somewhere in the middle.

Akito pushed down against Akai's force, as she pushed up against his. As the two stood locked in a stand still, Akai quickly brought her leg out and kicked Akito's feet out from under him.

Before the boy hit the ground, he placed one hand against the ground and pushed himself back, landing a few feet away from Akai.

"Is that all you got?!" Akai said in a mocking tone.

"Smart one, Hozuki. But I beg you not to get too cocky, because you have yet to see what I have up my sleeve."

| * | * | * | * | * |

The two fought for what seemed like hours, their swords clashing and clanking against each other, but neither of them seem like they were going to budge anytime soon.

The two pushed off of each other's swords, sliding back from each other. Both of them leaned over slightly, panting very lightly. Akai smiled at Akito, nodding her head.

"I never knew you were this good, Naokaze." She said, and Akito chuckled slightly as he looked up at the blue haired girl, but stopped before he said anything.

Because when he looked at Akai this time, Akito's heart started to speed up and he got slightly nervous that he wasn't doing good enough in her eyes. He didn't know why he suddenly cared so much, but he wanted to impress Akai.

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