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another week passes and i find myself watching Mikki more closely than before. i even find myself standing in the doorway of her room watching her sleep before closing the door behind me when i leave and blow out the candle. 


every once in a while, i see Adrien facing me, and must be looking at me. he has been doing it more as every week passes that i have been here. i love it here. no major worries. i am constantly around the man i really love. its just AMAZING! i feel like there is nothing in the world that could bring me down!

"heeey Adrieeeeen" i say in a voice sounding like i want something. "yeeeeeees?" he replies back, setting the black book with green flowers on his lap and facing me from his chair. "can you take me to the stooooore?" i ask then give a big smile. "yeeeeeeees heheheheh" he says and laughs. "YAYYY" i shriek and i go get my boots on. when i get back, Adrien is heading out the back door and is petting Pibby, his beloved horse. i havent gotten very skilled with climbing up and down from the wagon in my large cloak yet and i refuse to let Adrien buy me any other clothes that would fit me. i love wearing his. besides, he has more that enough. he has one for every day for 3 years! he made them all and doesnt mind me wearing them. they are very comfortable and have his scent on them. 

Adrien picks me up and puts me on the wagon seat up high and climbs in next to me, grapping Pibby's reigns and we take off to the store. i always say store and Adrien knows im talking about the market shops. its pretty obvious and he knows what i mean without any question. we arrive at the big store and Adrien hands me a sack of coins. i tell him ill be right back. he waits on the wagon, still holding Pibby's reigns. i get to the shop that has the baking goods. i grab flour, chocolate, more chocolate, more chocolate, strawberries, apples, cream filling, and bread. i grab more things then give the shop owner the right amount of coins, then i walk happily back to the wagon, where Adrien climbs off and helps me up. he again climbs up next to me and we are heading back to Adrien's place.

i go into the kitchen and set out all of the things i bought at the store. once i get everything set out, i get some bowls and cups and spoons out of drawers and cupboards. i set them on the table next to the ingredients. i plan on making some tasty treats for Adrien to thank him for everything. i then start to hum a tune and suddenly start twirling around the kitchen, the cloak twirling with me as i stir together some sugar, eggs, water, and flour. im so lost in my singing and spinning and "dancing" that i forget about the oven because i realize i need to put the batter in the oven. i then chop up some chocolate into small chunks and stir them in with the batter before finally putting it all in the oven.


once we get back to the house, Mikki darts into the back door and into the kitchen. i laugh and walk in, closing the back door behind me. i walk into the main room and pick up my book. i start reading it. i dont know why but i became very hooked on it. i just turned to chapter 4 when i hear some humming turn into singing. i mark the page then stand up and quietly walk over to the curtain in the doorway to the kitchen. i pull it a little to the side and what i see makes me smile. not a smile of finding something funny. but of finding something...interesting...a good way. i couldnt look away. i just kept watching the twirling and singing woman in my kitchen. she is stirring and adding things to a bowl and puts it in a pan then shoves it in the oven. 

once Mikki closes the oven, i walk fully into the kitchen. i then start to clap my hands slowly. Mikki turns around quickly and blushes so much i thought she would explode. she covers her face with her sleve cloaked hands, hinding her blush from me. i cant help but laugh to myself. i walk over to her and i wrap my arms around her. she still covers her face. suddenly without control, i kiss the top of her head. she moves her hands away from her face. "A-Adrien?" Mikki says quietly after i kiss her head. i move away quickly. "yes? oh...well! HEYYY LOOK AT THE TIME! I BETTER GO! *fake yawn* WELP IM TIRED! DID YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY?! I SURE DID! I TOOK A BATH TODAY! IT WAS NICE! I ALSO READ MY BOOK! ITS A GOOD BOOK! I CHANGED MY CLOTHES LIKE I SHOULD TOO! OH I WENT TO THE BATHROOM! WHAT FUN I HAD TODAY! *fake yawn again* WOW IM TIRED! WOOHOO LOOKS LIKE I SHOULD GO TO BED! I HAD A GOOD DAY! BYE DARLING! I MEAN MIKKI! IM GONNA GO TO MY COFFIN NOW! TATAAAAAH!" i say without thinking then dissappear into my room and close the door.

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