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I got tagged with my main account, but I didn't really wanna do this there, since I don't have a book on there like this, so I'm doing it here, yay. Hot-mess-me back at it again with the notifications.

I was tagged by @-caylen to do a fact tag.

I have to display 15 facts about me, so here we goooo

1. Twenty One Pilots are my life lewl
2. I know how to speak sarcasm really well
3. I'm Haitian/African A'murican
4. I have a weheartit, it is Jishwadun1 (the struggle is real)
5. I had six fingers on each hand when I was a young babe (no, I am not lyin', you can ask any of my school friends.)

6. I still play lots of games from like-- 2008
7. I'm a literal dork
8. I know how to make holy water
9. I'm currently writing four stories, and blah, and this one is almost at 1k, so I'm freaking out..
10. I'm 5'6

11. I used to be in glee club, so I like to sing le songs XD
12. I like winter way better than summer. More of a chance to wear lots and lots of sweaters and hoodies
13. I like blues, greens, oranges, and yellows (as colors and aesthetics)
14. I have a wide range of music interests... I'm listening to Skrillex while typing this
15. I'm thinking about changing my wattpad user on my main, but I dunnnnoooo

Thats it. So I tag:


You don't have to if you don't want to, It's your life, my friends.
Mkay bai

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