gone for good

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Neither Ben or Lisa have contacted him and it has been a five days. Dean would always leave a message at least once a day but still, no response. He was starting to get so perturbed about them, he was barely having any good sleep. His stomach grumbled, knowing that his stomach was most likely hungry and wanting to eat, but he had not a single drop of energy to do so. Dean leaned over onto his back, looking over to a picture frame that held a picture of Lisa and Ben hugging and smiling. There were no words to describe how badly he misses them...

A light knock was heard from the front of his room. He lifted his gaze off the picture and onto the person with a small, curled up hair that was pushed back behind his ears, "Hey, I'm Gabriel. I don't think we have officially met yet,"

Dean rolled his eyes, "What do you want, kid?"

"Well," Gabriel scratched the back of his neck, "Since I've been living in your house for -- what? Six days now?"

"Seven days, actually." The green eyed man muttered.

"--my point exactly. It's weird that I haven't properly met with the owner of the house."

"Alright," Dean dragged out. "Hey, I'm Dean,"


"Is that all?"

Gabriel walked further into the spacious room, carefully tiptoeing over to where Dean laid. He clamped his hands together and looked down, "My brother has been upset lately--"

"Oh, I now see your motive to all this strange nonsense."

"He's just been really upset lately and I'm starting to think it's about, well, you."

"Me?" Gabriel nodded, "And why would he be upset? I barely know the guy!"

"He likes you," Gabriel stated as though it was something so noticeable and known. "He does this to himself, and I cannot understand why he continues to do it."

"Castiel likes me? Why?"

"I don't know -- he just loves to go for the heteros and come back heartbroken,"

Dean stayed quiet, a thousand questions ran through his mind all in just the speed of light; too sudden that it made his head hurt. "I'm sorry,"

"Just, promise me one thing..." I'll try to, Dean thought in response to Gabriel. "Don't hurt him, he's my brother and I would hate to see him get hurt."

"Alright." And with that Gabriel gave him a small smile before cautiously walking out of the room.

Don't hurt him.
Those words bounced off the walls of his skull, remaining and echoing throughout his entire head with just those simple three words. Dean knew he could never hurt him. There was just no way he could.

--Time Skip--

Dean had finally got up from his bed and laid motionless on the couch like a potato. A plate of pie in one hand and beer in the other, there was no real reason to move from such a comfortable position. That is, until Sam immediately stumbled down the stairs with Gabriel, chuckling about a joke before vacating the house and walking out the door.

At least Sammy had found some happiness. That itself made him smile. But that went away as soon as he heard something from the porch. He ignored it at first, thinking that it's just the wind. But when his favorite show went into commercials, he heard the same, startling noise that was heard from outside.

He stood up, groaning as his legs weakly sauntered over to the window. He blinked a couple times before looking outside again. But his eyes were not playing tricks on him, it surely was a man in a trench coat who slipped down the stairs. It took everything in him to not laugh, but he failed to contain it. As soon as a sound escaped his lips, the man who fell lifted up his gaze to meet with the green eyed man's. Dean's laughter soon died down as he found it to be Castiel who glared at him threateningly.

Almost too quickly, Dean rushed over to the door, checking the mirror before cracking it open.
"Cas, w-what are you doing here?" He did not mean to sound so feeble and nervous, but with alcohol in his system there was no way to hide it all.

Castiel didn't speak, he just stood up and calmly paced over to where Dean stood. He came so close to Dean that there was barely any space left between them. Dean sucked in a small breath, feeling his heart pound against his ribcage, making him afraid that Cas might hear or even feel it vibrating off him.

"Cas?" Dean gulped, noticing how Castiel gave the green eyed boy's lips so much attention, "Look, I'm so sorry about --"

The man with stunning, bright blue eyes tilted his head a bit before capturing Dean's lips. At first, Dean kept his eyes wide opened, an overwhelming feeling of shock fogging up his brain. But as soon as Castiel was about to pull back from what was intended to be a peck on the lips, Dean grabbed his face, keeping him there longer. A smile danced upon Castiel's lips as they both deepened the kiss.

And all Dean felt was pure bliss.

"Dean?" A weak, soft voice spoke from behind Castiel.

Dean rapidly fluttered his eyes open, pushing Cas a little bit back. His green eyes stared at someone with dark brown ones, widening his eyes in fear.


word count; 907

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