Chapter One

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The classes were long and boring, as usual. One class in particular left me thinking. It was my literature teacher, Mr.Barns. He has always been a laid back teacher, never made us do to much work, but not to the point we barely did any. He asked us to write a three paragraph essay explaining who we are. He said we had until the end of the year to turn it in. For most people it was an easy task, the fact that I had no idea who I was.

"What are you going to write?" Jordan asked Kayla, they were walking ahead of me, they had started doing that lately but I knew I was thinking way to much into it then I should have.

"I don't know, how am o supposed to write a three paragraph essay about myself," Kayla said as if it were the hardest thing in the world. Kayla had everything planned out for her, from her future college to whom
She is going to marry. Jordan's parents were more laid back, they wanted her to be her own person.

"I am starving," I said from behind them, they continued their previous conversation and I sighed splitting off from the two, not that they would notice. I became far to wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the kid walking the opposite of me. We collided and I fell straight on my butt, dropping everything in the process. "Watch where you're going," the tall boy said roughly walking around me.

"Thank you so much for the help, I really do appreciate it." I muttered as I picked up the scattered papers, and stuffed them all into a random binder. I looked back and the boy from before was gone. I decided to forgive him, he was probably having a bad day, maybe he found out he was adopted that morning? Who was I kidding, I was pissed. I picked the rest of my papers and chased after him. I was running down the hall, I blew past my friends, they called after me. "Sorry! I'll catch you later, yeah?" I called behind me and continued jogging. "Clare?" I stopped when I saw R
Alex walking down the hall with his friend, Tate. He caught my arm and I stopped. "Why are you running?" He looked at me with a questionable face. He looked around and didn't see anything abnormal. "I was just-" I cut myself off. It was stupid, he wasn't going to be anywhere near me by now. "Going to the bathroom," I smiled, "lady problems." He scrunched his face up and let me go. I turned around and walked towards the direction of my next class, Science.
"You want to go to the mall with us?" Kayla asked from I front of me. "Can't, I have homework." I replied, it was Friday, we always went to the mall, even if we didn't buy much, it was just something to do.

She snorted, "Since when do you do homework?" I rolled my eyes, "you never do homework," she looked back at me. "I don't know Kayla, maybe I just feel like doing something with my life for once."

"Clare, stop being rude," Jordan lectured, "Kayla does lots of productive things with her life."

"Right," I readjusted my book-bag on my shoulder. "Look, I have to find my brothers, I'll see you guys around," I walked away, leaving them alone. I was annoyed and I hair didn't want to do anything I would regret.

"Hey, Clare!" Ryan called from behind me. I casually turned around and waited for him, "How was your day?" He asked, like every other day.

"It's was good, what about yours?" I looked up at him, he shrugged, "the usual." I nodded. MI didn't know what to say until he asked another question, "Are you going to the mall with Kayla?" I shook my head, "I don't feel like going out."

We reached the car and found Alex leaning against the car, sunglasses on. "Are those mine?" I asked, looking up at him. He jumped at the sound of my voice. "No! No, I liked them," he shrugged. They were definitely mine. "Okay Alex," Ryan ruffled his hair, Alex shoved him away and hopped in the drivers seat. "Get in or I'm leaving you." He said as he closed the door.

We hurried to get in, and just as I was closing the door he started driving. I looked next to me and found a used condom. "What the hell?" I yelled out. "What?" Ryan asked the in around. His eyes widened at the object.

"What the hell Alex?" Ryan turned to look at our brother. "A man has needs alright?" He defended himself. "You could at least clean up after yourself, I don't want your STD's anywhere around me.

"I don't have STD's Clare, dad made me get tested," he smiled matter of factly. The fact that our dad made him doesn't help. "Al, you're disgusting," Ryan turned around. My eyes stayed glued to the latex material. A shiver went down my spine, I am sitting in the spot my brother did it. I became uncomfortable from where I sat. The drive home seemed to be longer than usual.

The moment Alex pulled into the driveway and parked, I jumped out of the car and into the house. "Dad! Alex has a condom in his car!" My dad walked out of the living room with an annoyed look on his face, "Clare, we have guests."

"Oh." I pursed my lips. "Dad Alex has a condom-. Man! You already told him?"

"What did you expect me to do?" Ryan rolled his eyes in annoyance at my comment.

"Will you listen?" Dad groaned. "Y'all better not-" dad ended up yelling at us. We had small smiles on our faces at the end of his episode. "Now, please come and meet our guests." He smiled tightly as he turned around, and knowing my father, he most likely had a scowl when his back was to us.

"Kids, you know Aaron, this is his son, Zachary. He will be staying with us for awhile."

Please point out any mistakes, I'll fix them.

Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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