Chapter 5: ChiYasha vs. Sesshōmaru

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Author's Note: If you read the first 4 chapters before August 7, 2022, please note they have been edited to better reflect the direction of the story I have in mind now. It's been like eight years since I first started writing this story. Most of the changes are in Chapter 4. I added to the dialogue a lot. If you're reading this after the editing no worries just disregard this.

Happy reading!!


~Kōga's POV~

I've heard others talk about ChiYasha's reputation as a warrior but now I actually get to see her in action. I hope she lives up to her grand reputation. Ryutsuki will have made a fool of himself if she doesn't. Maybe working with her will be more enjoyable than I initially thought. I walked back to Ryutsuki and Sesshōmaru. 

"Ryutsuki, ChiYasha is getting settled in her room now. Is there anything else you need?" 

"Not right now. But you may want to let the others know that Sesshōmaru and ChiYasha plan to spar before Sesshōmaru takes his leave. He just explained to me that ChiYasha wants to show the tribe what her idea of fighting and training looks like." 

"ChiYasha explained something similar to me. I'll make sure the others know. I look forward to the match Lord Sesshōmaru." All Sesshōmaru did was nod as a response. He sure isn't sociable. It's hard to believe he's even related to ChiYasha. She's so easy to talk to. They both give off an intimidating aura of immense power though. There's just something different about ChiYasha. I can't quite put it into words yet though. I was deep in thought when I reached some other tribe members. Ginta and Hakkaku pulled me out of my daze. 

"Kōga!" They both shouted as they rushed toward me. 

"Hey, guys! Sorry I've got a lot on my mind." 

Ginta spoke up first, "That's okay Kōga. We figured you did since we saw Ryutsuki's daughter arrive earlier. Who was the man with her though?" 

Hakkaku added on, "Everyone has been talking about the Princess being with a mysterious man. Whoever he is the rumors need to die fast."

I couldn't contain my laughter and started laughing on the spot which earned me some strange looks but I didn't care. In fact I was glad they took notice. I declared loudly to everyone around me, "Here's the deal everyone so listen up! Our new Princess has arrived and she will go by Princess ChiYasha. The man that you all saw her arrive with is her half brother and his name is Lord Sesshōmaru. He is a very powerful great dog demon. Princess ChiYasha and Lord Sesshōmaru will be having a sparring match soon. She would like for anyone that considers themselves a defender of this tribe to watch as she will soon take over training for us all." 

Everyone looked around at each other kind of shocked. I guess no one got the memo I wouldn't be responsible for training anymore. Dog demons and wolf demons fight very differently but I'm sure ChiYasha will adjust fast. 


~ChiYasha's POV~

My new room wasn't much. I can see why my mother couldn't stay here. It looks like they tried their best to make a comfortable bed for me though. I appreciate that a lot. Everything else was pretty bare aside from a makeshift rack to hang things on made from sticks that were tied together. I suppose I'll see what cave life is like. I don't really think I need to do much more preparing for my match with my brother though. We spar often and it's always so exhilarating. I hope this helps me make a good first impression on the tribe too. Most importantly I'm worried about Kōga's approval because I feel that he probably already has a lot of followers within the tribe from what my father explained. If Kōga likes me then I'm sure that will help me be more likable to the others. I get this odd feeling from Kōga though and I don't quite know how to describe it even to myself. I should get back to my brother, he's most likely ready to leave by now. I walked back to where my father and my brother were talking in what I guess is my father's office. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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