Chapter 2-Well This is Different

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I walked down the hall, a short distance to stand outside the throne room doors. The guards opened the double doors and I nodded as a sign of thanks. I then walked through the doors into the throne room. My mother was sitting on her red and gold throne which was at the top of a bunch of stairs. I began walking up them.

Our palace was in the sky. I liked it. When I spent my time training there were little to no distractions. This helped me complete my training in only five years. I was now at the top of the stairs standing in front of my mother.

"Oh good, you've come." Mother was calm as usual.

"Yes, because you sent for me. But, why? Is something wrong? Are brother's lands being invaded?"

"No, his lands are safe. I have sent for you because I think it is time for you to spend some time with your father."

"Really?! But, I was only around him when I was younger! He hasn't even come to visit the last seven years! The last time he saw me I wasn't even fully trained! To me that's pathetic! Why do you wish for me to spend time with a man that doesn't want to spend time with me?" I just flared up. I wanted to punch something! He used to come visit but after he married another wolf demon, he hasn't been around at all.

"ChiYasha, the reason he hasn't been around is he has had a lot of complications with his wolf tribe. He had another daughter six years ago with that wolf demon woman he married. He's had to care for them and his whole tribe. His tribe is growing in numbers. He sent a messenger and he told me that your father wanted you to come and live with him. He thinks you should learn to master the use your unique wolf demon powers. I think it's a great idea because you have completed all the training I can give you. You are a master of your Tsuki no kiba(Lunar Fang) and harness the dog demon abilities of extreme speed, enhanced senses, poison claws, poison whip, flight, generating lightening, and your psychic ability to move objects. You are a more powerful half-blooded dog demon than most full-blooded dog demons. You could become an extremely powerful wolf demon too. Plus, you always wanted to fulfill the prophecy." Mother stayed calm but stern.

"Oh so he has another daughter. I have a half sister, how interesting. Do you know her name?" I was now calm like my mother.

"Her name is Natsu. Her mother's name is Arashi."

"That's nice, I like the name Natsu. So, dad wants to train me to be a powerful wolf demon?"

"Yes, he does. I hope he'll also let you help in leading the tribe. I'm sure he's looking for a successor."

"Alright, then I accept. I do want to fulfill the prophecy. Plus, maybe I'll get to visit InuYasha and at least see him. I wish he would be awakened. I miss him."

"I know you do. He's like your other half, he's your twin." Mother rarely showed true emotion but she cared about me. She was trying her best to be sympathetic.

"So, do I just go?" I asked.

"Sesshōmaru will take you in the morning since you accept."

"Okay, I will miss you mother. I love you." I almost cried.

"Oh there's no need for sadness. But I'll miss you too and I love you, my daughter."

We both hugged.


I'm really sorry it took so long to update! I've been super busy! But, I updated I hope y'all like it! I also wanted to ask if y'all think I should change the fact her dad kept her hidden from the tribe? Like its either she's like hidden from the tribe or she is gonna help lead the tribe & she's just hidden from the rest of the world. This will determine when Koga comes into the story. Like if he comes in in the next chapter or in a couple more chapters. I'd really like to have y'all's input on that so please do comment! Thanks for reading this! It really means a lot!

Remember questions, comments,& criticism are welcome! :)

Edited on 8/7/2022 with slight changes to dialogue.

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