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I put on a training outfit and walk with Hades down to training. We were given specific areas to work in and we weren't together.

I wave goodbye, and walk towards a weight lifting set. I add on some weights and sit down. I raise the bar easily, so I continue to add more weight.

Soon other tributes are waiting to use the lifting set. I get up, rubbing my arms, and walk over to a bar.

I grab a hold of it and lift myself up above it, and back down a few times. It's too easy, so I go on a hunt to find something more challenging.

I do some deadlifting, but my arm muscles grew weary.

I walk over to the wall and sit. I stretch my arms out and relax.

I look up at the gamemaker window and I glance at their faces. Xavier.

I blink and he's still up there. Why would he be up there?

I look at him again, and then he sees me. He gives me a quick smile and continues chatting with the man next to him.

I get up and go to the track. I run lap after lap until I collapsed on the floor. A peacekeeper comes over to check on me. His mask's shield is up and he has light brown eyes.

Something about his face looks familiar, but before I could figure it out he was gone.

I get up and do some stretches. I look for Hades, but I can't find him anywhere. I look over at the window again. Xavier was gone.

I grab my necklace Day gave me. I put my father's ring on it to keep it safe.

I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing.

Then I began running again.

I stop for a break, and get a drink of water. Then I do a few crunches, sit ups, push ups, and other exercises.

Then the training time wraps up. I meet up with Hades and we walk back to our rooms together.

"So Hades, yesterday after the interview a boy gave me this box, and there was a ring in it. I took a closer look and it's one of my dad's wedding bands."

"How did he get it?"

I take a deep breath: "I don't know. He told me that whoever gave it to him said that I would know, and I just don't."

"Well, can I see it?" He asks.

I pull the necklace off my neck, and hand it to him. He inspects the ring, noticing the dried blood. He doesn't say anything.

"What I think is that someone is trying to mess with you. It could be a fake ring that looks like your dad's." Hades says, but he doesn't even seem convinced with his answer.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I say quietly.

He hands me back my necklace, and I slip it back on.

Then we talk about our trainings, and possible allies.

The hunger games are coming. The palpable fear hangs in the air. The realisation of it suddenly hits me.

The Silence of the Tribute Where stories live. Discover now