Forth Entry

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I huddle in the corner of the room, and it seems like only seconds later another tribute is there with me.

She's crying, and angry. I don't move a muscle, if this is a career she is not someone to mess with.

Minutes, which seemed like hours, went by and another tribute slowly came into the room.

He had a torch. Fear of being seen crept into my soul.

Then out of nowhere the girl tackles him, disarming him. She has a knife in front of his face so fast I didn't even blink.

They argue over something, and then there tones change. They share personal stories, and somehow make amends, then they leave.

I sit in the corner big eyed, and ready to fight.

I slowly creep out of the hidden room. The air seems colder.

I slowly creep down the tunnels, hiding in the shadows.

I sit down against the cold brick wall, and I pull out a packet of dried mystery the capitol so happily gifted me with, and begin to eat.

In my distraction I didn't see the boy creep through the shadows towards me.

My mind must have been else where, because he even got to a crouched position before I fully saw him.

I open my mouth to scream, but he covers it with his hand.

"Are you stupid?!" He questions me. "You'll attract all kinds of tributes if you do that."

He slides out of the shadow, and I recognise him instantly, Marshal.

He slowly lifts his hand off my mouth.

"What are you doing?" I ask him in a hushed voice.

"Exactly what you are, surviving."

He sits in front me, and I share my water and dried packages of food with him.

"So how many tributes do you think are left?" I question. I realise this is the most I've talked all week.

"Not sure to be honest, maybe seven or eight left."

I don't respond. I just stare at the boy in front of me.

We could have been friends I bet. Too bad the hunger games got inbetween us.

I close my eyes and just listen to the sounds of the castle.

Somewhere far above me a clink echoes down.

I open my eyes and a parachute lands in my lap. A few seconds later a parachute lands in Marshall's lap.

I laugh at the sudden change of things.

I have Marshal on my side for now, and a gift from the capitol!

As if it was Christmas, I rip open my item. A little note in it tells me it's from Xavier.

I hold it up, and a wool sweater resides in my hands.

It's hot in the arena, I don't need a wool sweater...

I pull the sweater down out of my view, and Marshall has a large rock in his hand.

He's throwing it up and down, and u can't help but feel threatened by it, so I swing a fist at him. He fights back.

I dodge quickly to the side, wrestling with my belongings to find my knife.

I whip around to face district seven's boy, and a solid fist comes for my face.

I raise my hand up, and it blocks the punch, but not without casualty.

My right hand's pinky finger is ripped out of socket.

I let out a battle cry, and bring down my knife.

The sound of agony escapes out of one of us. I can't tell if it's me or him who does it.

My knife cuts through his shirt and into his chest. He backs away from me before I can kill him.

He grabs some of the supplies and takes off running away from me.

I shove the remaining supplies into my pack and run the opposite way.

I wipe the blood off my knife onto my pants.

How could he betray me so quickly?! I gave him some of my food and water?!

My hand tingles near the dislocated finger, and I can't help but yell.


Adrenaline pumps through my veins.

I don't feel pain yet.

But I do feel angry.

As I run my hair falls out of its braid.

It flies wild behind me.

Everyone thinks that I need a prince to save me. They think I'm weak and unless. But the things is, I was never looking for a prince, I've been looking for a sword, and I have finally found it.

I get outside the castle entry into the jungle, and slip.

I fall face first into snow.

I sit up and look around. The jungle is gone. Snow and ice cover the arena.

There are no more trees to hide in.

Behind me the castle disappears too.

I hope Marshall dies in there.

I get up and run.

Word Count: 799

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