Sixth Entry

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Italicized lines are the thoughts of the tributes.

Overnight I dug myself a small shelter in the snow. Nothing extravagant, you can't even tell it's a shelter.

I've tried to clean my skin a little bit with the snow to look more civilized, but it didn't help much.

I melted snow into my water bottle, and started to ration my food. Resources were becoming scarce.

I don't know how long I laid in that little igloo. Even though I want to win, killing Marshall shook me up a little.

He pretty much killed himself. It's not my fault he's dead.

I refuse to cry anymore. Not until I'm home, taken a proper bath, and in bed will I cry again.

"How many more tributes are there?" "What will the gamemakers do next?" "Family." "Do we all have powers?" "Man, I'm hungry."

The thoughts of other tributes swarm my head, making me forget about Marshall's death for now.

At some point in the last twenty four hours I've learned that I can narrow in on a particular tribute's thoughts.

My legs begin to protest in agony of just sitting, and I can't help but feel restless. I get on my hands and knees, and slowly shuffle my way out.

I bite my knife between my teeth, and my axe is attached to my belt loop.

I'm ready for a fight.

I stand up the harsh wind bites at my face. I no longer have the patients to just sit and wait for others to kill each other. It's my turn.


I walk towards the thought, towards the homesick tribute.

"I need to live for them."

I've learned to block out the other remaining tributes thoughts.


I tramp through the snow until I come across a clearing.

I duck down quickly into the snow. Only feet away stands Kai. I never had the pleasure of meeting the tribute before we entered the arena, and now I never will.

I sit there and listen.

"I can't let my parents down. I can't let their memories die with me. I have to get back to Four. I need to win."

As snow soaks through my pants, I formulate a plan.

"If I get back, I want to visit their house, even if it's just once."

"Nobody will miss you." I say out loud.

I hear his footfalls stop.


"Nobody will care if you die!" I say a little louder.

"But my bracelet... "

"Forget about the bracelet! Forget about everything!"

I hear him contemplate what's going on.

"Is someone there?!" He seethes. His thoughts become bitter. "I'll kill you!"

"Is there a tribute nearby? How do they know about this stuff?"

As he talks I walk around the snow barrier to the opposite side.

"Show yourself!"

I slowly stand up. The sun is to my back causing me to be mostly in silhouette. My hair whips around my head in a frenzy.

"Kai Seaton. You can't, and won't win the 73ed hunger games!"

A shocked look comes across his face.

A gust of wind lifts loose snow up off the ground. It swirls around the two of us in an abnormal way. Perhaps it's the gamemakers doing, or just the beauty of nature.

"You can't win, Kai, everything is against you." And with that I duck down out of view, digging into the snow mound, and out of sight.

"I want to go after her, but I shouldn't. I don't know what she can do. I should just get back to Artemis and hope someone else deals with her. If not, I can finish her later."

As I burrow into the snow all I can think is that I hope this psychological attack has worked. That a seed has been planted in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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