Chapter 21: Waking up Sleeping Beauty

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This morning I awake to the beautiful smell of pancakes.

Wow, mom must be trying really hard to make Maya happy.

"Riles, time to get up!" I hear Maya say.

I act like I'm sleeping, just to play with her. And plus, who actually wants to go to school?
I hear Maya tip toe towards me.

"Aww is my little Riles, a heavy sleeper?" Maya asks, and I can't help but giggle.

"It looks like someone's going to have to get a visit from the tickle monster!" Maya says laughing, as she starts to tickle me on my stomach.

"That's not fair! You know how ticklish I am!" I say, swatting her hands away.

"Well I guess than there's only one thing to do, to wake up my sleeping princess." Maya bends down over my bed.

Realizing what she's going to do, I start to blush like crazy. Maya kisses me on the lips, and pushes me up against my bed frame. I push her back a little, surprised by her amount of passion.

"Maya, it's only 8:00 in the morning!" I say, laughing until my stomach hurts.

"Okay Riley, well we're going to be late if you don't get up." Maya says sternly to me, but I can tell that she's just messing with me.

"Ugh fine" I say, getting out of my pink bed.

I think it's funny how I'm such a girly girl and she's such a tom boy, but we're in love.
I guess, it's true that opposites do attract.

"You should wear this today, you look so cute in dresses." Maya says, holding up a lavender dress with lace trimmings.

"Okay." I say smiling.

"Can you turn around, Maya?" I ask, while looking into her deep blue eyes.

"What? But you always let me stay with you while you change..." Maya says, looking at me with those puppy dog eyes that I can never resist.

"Yes, but now we're dating Maya. Things are different." I say uncomfortably.

I don't want her to see me change, I look like such a little girl still, even though I'm 16.

"Okay, fine." Maya says, walking towards the door.

I sigh relieved, I didn't think she would let me off that easily.

"But just so you know, it's going to happen sometime." Maya says, winking at me.

I blush, turning the color of a bright red tomato, probably.

"What do you mean?" I ask, fiddling with my hands.

Is Maya flirting with me?
I feel a million little butterflies fly in my stomach, Maya's flirting with me!

"What are you smiling about, Riley? Wow, your not as innocent as I thought you were." Maya says leaving my room, leaving me in stunned silence.

Wow, why does Maya  have to be so sexy?
I wonder, changing into the dress Maya picked out for me.
Well I guess, I'll just have to show her that I'm interested, I think.

Wow, this is going to be a good day, I can just tell.

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