Chapter 29: Dark chocolate ice cream

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After Maya's therapy session, we decide to go get ice cream to celebrate.

I'm so happy for Maya!

Even though she walked out of the office crying, I can tell that she felt better. She must have actually opened up to the therapist a little, and I'm proud of her for that.

I smile licking my raspberry ice cream cone. Maya looks absolutely beautiful sitting next to me in the sunshine, eating her dark chocolate ice cream.

"What are you looking at me for, Riley?" Maya, says snickering at me.

"I was just thinking about how proud I am for you, for seeking help. And all around how amazing and beautiful you are." I say, looking into her glossy blue eyes.

She kisses me, touching my lips with chocolate ice cream dripping down her cheek. I part my lips, as she enters my mouth. I gasp at the feeling of our tongues touching each other, I've never French kissed someone. I part away from her, brushing her long hair away from her face.

"That dark chocolate ice cream tastes good." I say, smiling at her.

"I should get it next time." I say, winking.

As we drive way from the crowded Dairy Queen, I think about maybe asking Maya to go on a date with me. I mean we've gone places together, but it's never been a official date. As we get back to my room, I sit down with a serious expression on my face.

"What is it, Riley?" Maya asks, looking worried.

"I want to ask you a question." I say, keeping up my game face.

"You can ask me anything Riley. I know that we've been really focused on me and my problems lately, but please know that you can tell me anything." I smile, Maya thinks that what I'm about to say is going to be really serious.

"I want to go on a date with you." I say, seeing Maya's face instantly turn bright.

"Of course Riley, I'd love to." Maya says, hugging me.

Although she acts so tough on the outside, Maya really is very sweet.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you, how did you learn how to French kiss like that?" I ask, smirking.

Maya's face turns red, blushing.

"Umm I've had practice..." I smirk, I'm not going to let this conversation go.

"On who?"

"Well, I've always imagined what it would be like to kiss you. And I don't know, I've just gotten a lot of practice." I raid my eyebrows looking at her, as she gets so cutely embarrassed.

"I think that's adorable. Since you've practiced so much while imagining me kissing you, why don't we try the real thing?" I ask, trying to be flirty.

Maya willingly starts kissing me again, pulling me closer to her. And once again, I feel like I'm flying across the sky. With Maya in my arms, I feel like nothing will hurt me.

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