Chapter 7. An invitation

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Before the Kyuubi's rampage.

The next few months passed by quickly. Before I knew it was already the second busy season of the year; late September. Shinobis of all ranks wanted their weapons sharpened, others wanted new ones, some had lost their metal goods in battle and others were interested in getting their weapons sealed in scrolls for easier travelling. Fortunately, the customers had enough mercy for the kunai producers and manufacturers and ordered early.

"I don't think we'll be finished by New Year's Eve, Misayo." Uncle sighed.

"No, don't be so pessimistic, Uncle! We'll definitely finish the orders before New Year's Eve."

Uncle grunted.


He was right.

A week before New Year's Eve and we still had over two hundred shinobis' hands to measure, over half a million kunai knives left to manufacture and three thousands were to be custom designed. I sighed. Uncle sighed. All the workers in the factory sighed. Our sighs were caused by the workload doubling due to the destruction of the other factories when the Kyuubi went on a rampage in the village, the fact that we were not going to have a day off on New Year's Eve and that our salaries had yet to come. But I sighed for a selfish reason. I wouldn't be able to celebrate my birthday with Uncle this year. I had left the hospital two weeks ago and I felt completely fine. Uncle had gotten ointment for his cuts and was also recovering.

Konoha was left in shock after the Kyuubi's rampage. Not only had many shinobis and civilians died, buildings been smothered, but the Fourth Hokage died whilst protecting the village. The Konoha's Yellow Flash had passed away.

Last Sunday, the whole village gathered to bid their farewells to the Fourth. Uncle had to bought me a new yukata for the funeral ceremony and he bought flowers for the Fourth's grave from the Yamanaka flower shop.

"Can't snip one from the Hyugas this time." He said.

The ceremony was silent. The Third Hokage was the only one who gave a speech, everyone else was silent. The funeral was for all the inhabitants who had died during the rampage, but after the ceremony the shinobis of the village were only talking about the huge loss of losing the Fourth.

"Man, what a talent!"

"Yeah! Nobody could match up with him!"

"Such a huge loss."

After the Fourth's funeral ceremony, Uncle and I walked to Aunt's grave and prayed. We laid a flower at her headstone.


Three days before New Year's Eve and we were starting to get optimistic. Volunteers from the village helped us finish the production. The Fire Lord had even financed our factory to see an end to this year's production. Although the factory was overcrowded at all times, it was worth the bumping into one another when we knew that all the workers at the factory would be able to celebrate New Year's Eve with their families.

Uncle and I had been occupied with taking measurements and making designs for each shinobi. Our office was filled with papers with each designs and calculations and we had to walk carefully when we entered and left to avoid tipping over a stack. Two nights before New Year's Eve the final box of custom made kunais and shurikens were handed over to the shinobi.

"Finally!" Uncle exclaimed.

We were officially finished with all our orders and everybody was in a good mood. The Fire Lord had bought the factory and all the volunteers tea, fruits and sweets to thank us for our hard work. We ate and drank and smiled and laughed. I enjoyed the atmosphere, but it was getting crowded and warm.

It was cold outside. Winter drawing in on the village, but I was still sweating from the hectic shift. I stepped outside of the factory with my water bottle to get some fresh air. My toes were stiff from the cold, but it felt so good. Running back and forth from the office and the manufacturing room was tiring. I had to help with shoveling coal into the main oven at manufacturing, and at one point it got so warm, that sweat was running freely down my temples and I was so sweaty that I had to tie my hair back with a strip of cloth. The ash from the oven and the dust from the coal stung my eyes, nose and throat. I wiped my face the sleeve of my sweater. I took a chug from my water bottle, and took deep breaths. It was strange feeling the cold air on my neck and ears.

I could hear the festivities inside the factory. I laughed. Some of the workers were scolding a newcomer for eating too many sweets. I was especially giddy today, in two days I will be six years old. I was born on December 31st and I simply couldn't wait to be a year older. Starting tomorrow, I'll no longer be a little kid! I smiled. I walked back to the festivities inside, my hand guiding the way out of the factory until I bumped into someone.


I felt my face become warm. I had been too occupied with my birthday that I hadn't bothered to notice my surroundings. I had just crashed head on into Itachi and Shisui.

"It's alright." Itachi said.

"Misayo? You look different." Shisui remarked.

I guess I probably do.

My skin was sticky with sweat from the day's labor, and I had heard that coal stains clothes and skin. For the first time, I felt conscious about what I looked like right now in front the two boys.

"Ah, we just finished this year's batch. It's been hectic around here."

The two congratulated me and the workers on finishing the year's work. I thanked them and asked how they were, and why they had come to the factory.

"We were looking for you and your uncle. Father and mother have invited the two of you to come and have dinner with us tomorrow." Itachi said.

I smiled. I remembered that the Police Chief had stopped by and invited Uncle to their home.

"That's really nice of them. I'll let Uncle know."

I was about to turn around, but I did not hear them move, so I stayed put.

"Misayo, why don't you wear shoes?" Shisui asked.

It was a question a lot of people asked, but there were not that many people who understood my response. I'll give it a try. Maybe, they would get it.

"I hear and feel my surroundings better when I'm barefoot. It helps me move around when I can feel vibrations and sound waves. When I'm barefoot I can pick up on them a lot easier." I replied.

"Oh...Cool beans." Shisui replied and left.

Did I creep him out?

Although I didn't mean to, I could feel myself frown. Itachi stood still.

"You should cut your hair." He said.

His voice was ridiculously soft.

"Yeah. Your father said the same thing. Uncle says it all the time. Can't see my face or something." I muttered.

"You look better when you don't cover your face."

I shifted my head in his direction. I could not help the quirk of my lips at his compliment.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"I'll see you and your uncle tomorrow. Goodbye." He bowed and left.

I waved goodbye, but stood still. I was in awe. I smiled.

"Looks like somebody is flattered." Uncle sang.

I had not noticed that he had stepped outside of the workroom. I quickly turned around and stopped smiling.

"What? No. Nobody is flattered." I blurted, trying to sound indifferent, but came out too hasty.

Uncle laughed.

"Let's go home."

Konoha's Blind Dragon (Under Revision/ Rewrite)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن