Chapter 30. Outside the box

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The two-year training program with Konoha's Sensor Squad was intensive. We would train from dawn till late in the afternoon. Most of my classmates were trained Chunins, there were only a few of us who did not have any formal shinobi training. Like me, some of the people who enrolled were unusually mindful of their surroundings and had a natural enhanced sense perception. Though we came from different parts of the village and were entirely different from one another in every other aspect, our one common denominator was that we all thought we just went with our gut feeling or instinct.

During the year we learned about how chakra control could be trained in everyone. Every living being had chakra, and through rigorous training shinobis learned the art of manipulating and controlling their chakra to perform jutsus. This could be done by learning how to use the physical energy and spiritual energy components of chakra. Everybody had their own signature chakra that could be detected. Most of our class already knew several ninjutsus, some came from clans where their clans' unique fighting style was passed on and then there were us. Though I had already found a way to release chakra trough my feet, my world was limited to the ground and everything that was connecting to it. I could not sense flying objects yet, nor could I sense objects moving through water. Yet.

"You'll have to find our own style."

The short sensei told us in his nasal and high-pitched voice.

I sighed. My style has limits, and I want to feel more. Detect more. Be able to do more. Help more. I took a few deep breaths. Uncle had told me that the greatest solutions come when one is calm.

"Patience and calm are different, Misayo. Patience waits for a solution, calmness finds it."


Shisui-san had made sure to move me far away from Konohagakure's village center, but I was still in range to make it back to the Uchiha clan's compound within an hour if I was smart. Behind me I could hear Obaasan calls. I knew she was omitting waves of chakra to sense me, Ryuu was most likely doing the same.

They would not find me. Not yet.

They would have to wait.


During the last weeks of my sensor training, I started meditating more. Whenever I got the chance I would sit and breathe deeply. During the four years in training I had learned all the proper sensory techniques required by all sensor ninjas. You need to know the rules, to know what's inside the box. The main systematic approach to all sensory was to emit chakra, and draw it back. The newfound information would then be systematically analyzed by the sensor ninja. But what if...?

If it was true that all living beings had chakra, then they too had to naturally emit some. Humans when breathing, plants when growing and animals when moving. They would let chakra flow through them.

Sitting cross legged, I took a final deep breath before I tried something outside the box.


"Your granddaughter is one crazy ass bitch!"

"Shut up, you stupid lizard! Have you found her yet?"

"She vanished right in front of us! Hehe, it's been a long time since I've seen anything like that."

"We need to find her. Only grief awaits her if she reaches the Uchiha compound."

"I'll find your brat, Ume."

Obaasan kept calling my name. I could hear them closing in on me, they were only a few hundred meters away. Only a few miles left before I was near Konohagakure. I must stay focused!

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