17 5 1

I never wanted you to see

The darkest part of me
I knew you'd run away
I waited but you never came

So afraid to be alone
I tried to let you go
Still I find you lost inside the darkest part of me



Kira's eyes flew open when she felt some thing vaguely familiar. She had drifted to sleep after crying and crying over her fate. It was only now that she had woken up. She forced her dizzy self to think where she had felt this.

Her heart paced as a horrifying thought crossed her mind.

Her dizziness left when she successfully processed what she was feeling. The air was heavy and the lights were dim. Outside, it was cloudy and dark. A perfect time for the demons to come out of their hiding.

That very moment, she heard a painful cry. Without thinking she pushed the blanket off her and raced towards the scream. Her heart paced as her legs carried her to the young man's bedroom. It was the same man who had carried her till her room. The one who knew how to channel energy.

Her eyes widened with shock when she saw a dark creature, gripping his throat and sucking the life out of him. The young man was pale. His heart was barely beating. He was dying.

The dark entity was something she had never seen.

It was only bones. Its skin was the darkest she'd ever seen. It was like someone had poured tar over it and it had been stained forever. It wore tattered clothing which was almost as dark as its skin. It snapped its head in her direction and she saw the most dangerous pair of eyes she had ever seen. Blood red.

It hissed at her but she was determined to face it. If it wanted to continued feeding, it would have to kill her.

She fought back the feeling to flee. Her legs wobbled but she maintained her composure. She stepped towards it. Slow and short steps. It hissed at her. She knew it was a threat. Though fear had started to wind around her just like a snake, she kept a straight face. There was no way in hell that she would let him be its feed.

It let go of him. The young man, fell back on his bed, looking dead.

But she knew he wasn't. She could hear his heartbeat gaining. She sighed in relief and focused back on the demon. To her surprise it was gone. She glanced around. She couldn't feel it anymore.

Surprised. That's what she saw. She had expected it to attack her, knowing that she was a fallen angel. She wasn't as powerful as an angel.

The heavy atmosphere had vanished. It had become normal again. She drew a deep breath as she neared the half-dead man. Her eyes widened with horror as she saw his blood-stained shirt. She sprung into action a moment later, she tore his shirt to see his wound.

What she saw left her speechless. The wound had already began to heal. She was astounded. She stared at his face. No human could heal so quickly.

In no time, his heart began to beat as a normal human's should. And that was when he woke up. His eyes opened. He was breathing heavily.

His eyes fell on her.

It was like someone had pressed a pause on her core. He had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. That just went further. She took some time to admire his face. His perfectly cut face.

He sat up, slowly, not daring to break the eye contact. That moment, he decided that all he wanted to do his entire life was to stare into those beautiful brown eyes that were hers.

But he was compelled to go against his wills when the sharp pain in his chest returned. That was when he noticed that he was shirtless. Then his eyes traveled to his torn blood-stained shirt which lay in the floor. His breath quickened as he peaked at his chest. There was a scar.

There was the scar.

He could feel her staring at him questioningly. He swallowed. How should I explain? His greatest fear was that if she told it to Mia, he'd surely be hospitalized. She'd go crazy.

"Look..." He started but she stopped him by placing her finger on his lips. A chill ran down his spine when her soft finger touched his lips. His breath quickened.

"You must rest. Give yourself some time to heal."
Her voice was like music to his ears. It swept away all his pain just like the water swept the shoreline. It was so soft and it was garnished with concern. Their eyes crashed again. He could swear that he felt weak again but this was in a 'good' way.

Her finger parted from his lips like she had just been hit with lightning. She lowered her gaze and played with her fingers, nervously. His heart slowed down. He was a little disappointed with her reaction.

You have to know her before you fall for her, a voice inside his head spoke. As much as he hated to admit it, it was right. The most beautiful things always brought something dark with them.......... Like the rose had thorns.

"I think you should dispose the shirt if you don't want anyone to know."
The sweet voice reminded him of Christmas bells.

Her face colored a bit under his gaze. He insides smirked, proudly but he made sure that there was no trace of it on his face.

"I really think you should," she mustered the courage to look into his eyes, once again. She tried to control her blushing.

Sadly, even angels couldn't control it.

It was fact.

He realized what she had said. "Shit!" he cursed out loud and picked up the blood-stained shirt and glanced at his watch. "Shit!" he cursed, again. In about half and hour, Mia would return from work. The last thing he wanted was to her to know that weird things were happening to him. He got to his feet, ignoring the pain that was demanding to be felt.

She skimmed his perfect back. He looked like a sculpture. A perfect sculpture sculpted to perfection after years and years of struggling. He should be the Lord's greatest creation, she thought. His muscles rippled under his tight tanned skin. They looked as hard as a rock. She resisted the urge to leap and touch him.

He turned to her. Though she knew that he wasn't paying attention to her, she averted her gaze. Being caught admiring her host was the one thing she didn't want to get caught doing.

"Can I do something to help you?" It came out of her mouth before she could even give her approval.

He raised a brow at her, "No. It's okay." And before she could say anything else, he walked out of the room.

Yay! another chapter!

I can bet your relieved that Nathan isn't dead yet. Hey! he's too hot to die, okay? I can't kill him until his part is over..... but his play in the story is decided by me and I'm very unpredictable.... bwahhhahahahaha....

okaaaay, so that cute girl in the media box is the fallen angel, Kira.

And the song doesn't actually completely relate to the chapter.... but it's loosely connected.... plus I love Red (the color and the band). So, I guess that's all.... I will update sooner. Promise.

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