6. Lucifer

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The hall was dimly lit. There were four or five torches burning furiously, trying to light the gigantic empty hall. 

At one end of it was a huge throne. A seat which looked like it was studded with all kinds of precious stones. 

But they were far more precious from the precious stones. They were crystals which had human souls trapped in them. The captured souls were either devoured by the ruler of the Darkness or they were put in the crystals so that their energies could be used later..... in case of emergencies. 

The Dark Lord touched the rock throne. He was beautiful. Dark eyes. Dark hair. Pale skin. A perfect body. He was the most beautiful creation of God. Tall. Elegant-looking. 

He could hear the screams of the dying souls. They pleaded for mercy. He felt powerful as he heard their cries. He enjoyed their pain. But that joy didn't last for long. Frustration gripped him. 

After a hundred and fifty years, he had finally found him. The born-fallen. That was something un-heard of. Touched with black, the darkness, that soul would be stained. Just a touch of darkness. If he could get hold of him, he could use him to become The Mighty One. He could be God himself. If he just had him......

The story goes like this. 

Once upon a time, there was an angel. She was beautiful. Very beautiful. The color of her eyes was the color of the bright blue sky of the Earth. Her hair was long and it was the shade of gold. She was a born angel. A pure soul. 

Lucifer had his eyes on her, ever since he had seen her. She had kill his minions effortlessly.....  All except one. That very hunt of hers brought her to his attention. That one monster opened his mind to his lord so that he could live. That was when Lucifer saw her first. 

Over the days he laid out a plan to kidnap her. He trapped her and she was brought to his humble abode. The Hell. 

She fought, she screamed, she protested. He loved her guts. He had never seen such a magnificent creature ever before. No angel could be as beautiful and intriguing as she was. 

She already knew what fate awaited her. He raped her. He had inter-courses  with her whenever he wanted. She was too weak to fight him but that didn't mean she didn't fight back. 

The next thing he knew that she bore a child. 

His child. 

He waited for the child, knowing that it could increase his power but somehow she escaped. She escaped the Hell and found her way into the Heavens. He knew then that those low-lives would fear his child but he didn't worry much. They wouldn't kill him. They couldn't. They couldn't harm any living creature. 

Hypocrites. He had always called them that. His demons were also living creatures but those so called 'protectors' didn't hesitate to kill them. 

Then he came to know that they had banished him. One fifty years ago, he had started his search. If he could have his soul, he would become the most powerful being. Maybe even powerful than his Creator. 

Now, the search had ended. When his minions brought that little child's soul with them, he scanned his memories. It wasn't intended. It always happened to him whenever he devoured any soul. In her memories, he saw him. The aura of power and dominance told him everything. He was the one. He was the soul he needed. 

From then on, he began to invade his dreams, to consume his energy but today, that angel had interrupted his feast. She had saved him. But he wouldn't have to bother about her. She was a fallen. He could easily tackle her. 

He was impressed by his son. He was like source of endless energy..... which was very good as Lucifer's hunger was like a black hole. If he could just retrieve his memory, he would learn to harness more power. He would let that fallen do that. 

For some days, he would control his thirst. 

Good things come to those who wait, he said to himself. 

That angel would retrieve his memory. He knew that she would help him remember who he was. And that will be the time he will bring him here and become all powerful. 

His laugh echoed in the empty, abandoned hall. 

Good things. 

Okay, so that was Lucifer. I don't know who to cast him as so I sketched him out. The one you see in the media box is him. SATAN. 

I drew it in my biology class. I was bored. At first I thought of sketching Nathan, but then the eyes went all wrong. So he's Satan now. Maybe I would sketch another character if I'm bored again. 

And the thing is that my mistake saved me from having the terrible writer's block. *Yay!*

So that's all for today. 

Loads of Love. 

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. I really need them. Please. 

Take care,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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