Chapter One: The Celebration

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Juliettes POV:

My name is Juliette Ferrars. Yesterday I killed The Supreme Commander. Apparently, it is a means of celebration, not to me. He may not have had the best intentions at heart but killing still wasn't something to celebrate. It made me feel sick to the stomach, the celebration of a death. Still, it wasn't acceptable for me to miss the special occasion... I had already asked Warner about that. But no, I was the face of the rebellion. I needed to be seen celebrating the victory.

So here I am, standing in a beautiful, flowing, burgundy dress, with a smooth low back, causing me to shiver at the sensation of wind dancing across my bare back, that and the fact that Warner kept stroking his hand across it. And he said I look sexy in it so I guess that was some consolation for being forced to attend this.

Staring at the sea of faces around me, I force a smile onto my face, my cheeks cracking with the effort. I cling on to Warner's hand, crushing his fingers in my iron grip as if my life depended on it. When we arrive at the bottom of the stairs, I peel my hand from Warners, wiping sweat onto my dress. It was going to be a long night.

The waiter swept past me, his long robes sweeping the ground, I raise my hand and he stops, bowing low to offer me a glass of champagne. Arm in arm with Warner, we walk smoothly around the room, stopping to talk to all the high and mighties. After an hour of talking, I gently pull on Warners arm, slowly guiding him away.

I pull him into a corner where he swoops down and connects his lips to mine. God, I thought, I would never get tired of kissing him, it's like the first time all over again, or the second time, when I didn't happen to shoot him. He starts moving his mouth on top of mine and I'm about to remind him we're in a public place when someone starts laughing. I pull away and glance around red faced to find the source of the laughter. And what a surprise, it's Kenji. We may be close, best friends in fact, but I think I can draw the line at him watching me make out with my boyfriend, we weren't that close.

"Good show Princess, really got me going. Maybe you could give me a taste?" After he sees my scowling face, he tries hard to contain his laughter, and fails,"But next time, get a room."

I glance behind Kenji to see Adam standing there scowling. Kenji turns around and lightly punches him on the shoulder. "Here for the show Kent?" If I thought Adam couldn't hate me more than he already did, I was wrong, it seems he won't ever get over me leaving him for Warner. Can't he accept the fact that I just want to be friends? After a quick glare at Kenji Adam spins on his heel and stalks away. Kenji smirks, "And I thought I was a drama queen." With that he finally leaves, giving us peace at last.

Warner rolls his eyes at Kenji's retreating form. "Way to ruin a great celebration," He says in a flat voice. Soft waltz music floats through the room. Warner smiles at me,

"Would you care for a dance m'lady?" Warner says in a feigned posh accent making me smile.

"You know I can't dance Aaron"

"But you can try"

"My feet hurt."

"Do they really?"

"Warner!" I grumble as he pulls me towards the center of the room, weaving through the dancing couples until we find an empty space.

We dance for a full three songs until I feel like my legs will give out beneath me.

"Warner, I'm too tired, I think I'm gonna collapse"

It must have been something in my voice because he didn't tease me or make fun of me, just led me to the side of the room.

"Are you okay love?" His concern is enough to make me give a weak smile.

"My feet are sore, and I'm tired. Can we go to bed now? Haven't we done enough celebrating?"

His response was "You can go to bed if you like, love, but I have to stay and socialise. At least one of us needs to stay and make sure things are under control." Oh Warner, always looking at the bigger picture. But if he was staying, then that meant I could definitely leave.

"Ok then, I'm going to bed. If anyone asks, say I got drunk, then passed out. I don't want anyone to think I'm too tired to stay"

"And you think telling them you're drunk is any better?" He said, barely concealing a smirk.

"Then don't tell them anything at all," I said, also trying hard not to laugh "Goodnight Aaron." And after giving Warner a light peck on the cheek I leave.

I barely make it to my room before I collapse. Asleep before my head had even touches the pillow. 

Warners POV:

I stare at her, sleeping like an angel. God she looks beautiful. Quickly I change, ripping off my shirt and snuggling up close to her warm body. She stirs, and rolls over so she is facing me.

"Aaron?" she mumbles, "What's the time?"

"Nearly 3am love,"

"Why were you out so late?"

"A few of the guests had a few too many"

"Oh are they ok?"

"Yes love, they are fine"

Trust Juliette to worry about problems that weren't hers. That's one of the reasons I loved her. She was so beautiful when she was worrying about someone. The love in her heart was immense, but she always saved most of it for me, and although I was not such a caring person, my heart was hers. And right now my heart was about to burst out of my chest. I stare at her in pure love. Drinking in the sight of her as if it would be my last, I would never get tired of looking at her.

Juliettes POV:

He is staring at me with a goofy grin on his face. "Do I have something on my face?" I ask. He doesn't answer, instead he dives on top of me, pinning me to the bed. My lips connect with his and the world explodes with a colour and passion I never knew existed. We've kissed many times before, and they've always felt like heaven on Earth, but this time is different. It feels like a promise. That we'll be with each other forever. That if one of us needs to rest, the other will do the work. That if one of us is sad, the other will comfort. I don't know the future, but I do know I want to spend every minute of it with Warner. As if reading my thoughts, he deepens the kiss, sealing our promise. And everything falls into place.  

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