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Kenji's POV:

I watch the twins carefully as i close the door behind me. They better not hurt my, well Warners princess. I haven't seen her sick before, and it's worrying me. She's been injured sure, but never sick. But if i'm worried i don't know what Warner is. He's standing opposite me, tapping his foot and clenching and unclenching his fists. His hair's all over the place and there are dark bags under his eyes. Normally i'd make some stupid remark about his appearance, but with what's going on with juliette, i decide to leave him alone. I wasn't ever sure about him and Juliette, Juliette thinks he's a god, but from experience I never agreed that he loved her. But now i can see that he really loves her. He wouldn't ever be this worried about someone he didn't love. Seeing him so distraught made me uncomfortable. I decide to leave, and a I walk past, I pat Warner on the back. "Condolences man" I say, looking at him sincerely in the eye. , he could use a friend. He looks at me with red rimmed frightened eyes, nods once, and turns back towards the door. I get a glimpse into the Warner only Juliette sees, and I know that I will never see him the same way again.

Juliettes POV:

I can't believe it. In fact, i don't believe it. Sara and Sonya are still looking at me, waiting for a reaction, so i give it to them.

"What do you mean i'm pregnant? How do you know? What, what makes you think I'm pregnant?" I know i'm not being fair, but I'm beyond caring at the moment. They're speechless, staring at me like I've grown another head. They don't know how to tell me and I don't give them a chance. "Get out. GET OUT!" They all but run toward the door. And I curl into a protective ball. Hiding myself from the world.

It could've been hours or minutes after when I feel a soft touch on my shoulder.

"Juliette? What happened?" It's Warner, Thank God, but I don't move. Refuse to come back to the unforgiving world. Warner has other plans though because he tears my arms away from my face and pulls me into his arms. He doesn't say anything else, just lets me cry into his chest. I look up into his green eyes which are wide with worry.

"Aaron,, I...I...I'm..." My stuttering words are silenced as his lips touch mine. I almost forget what I was about to say. Then I remember. His lips finally seperate from my own, leaving me gasping for breath. His lips trail down my jawline and onto my neck leaving a path of fire on my skin. "Aaron..."

He mistakes my pleading for a groan.

"Aaron... I....I.... I think I'm pregnant."

I feel the air rush out of his lungs. He pulls back and looks me in the eye. His face is a mix of shock and confusion

"What did you say love?" His voice hoarse.

"I think I'm pregnant. Actually, the twins said that they think I'm pregnant, but I didn't give them a chance to explain because I was scared and...if..." My words are broken off as I dissolve into tears. Aaron cups my cheek with shaking hands and raises my gaze to his. He runs the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs.

"What's wrong? If this is true..." his voice breaks "Isn't this what we always wanted?"

"Well, yes..... but what if.... what if I can't hold the baby, or it has some sort of power....what if it's like me?" Aaron smiles, a soft gentle one.

"If that's the case, all of my dreams will come true."

His gaze drops down to my stomach and his hands come to rest on my waist.

"You, Juliette Ferrars, are the love of my life, and I want nothing more than for you to be the mother of all my children." His gaze slips slowly back up to my face, slowing on my chest. When they finally reach my face, his soft lips are curled up in a smirk.

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