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“I don’t have any money.” I told mum as Gabby went to get her jacket. Mum had her arms folded and was looking at me as I sat on the bench.

“Honey, I can give you some money. I’m just worried about your safety. What if you fall out of Gabby’s pocket!” She began pacing the kitchen. I followed her with my eyes.

“I’ve never been to the mall…” I mumbled. “It might be good for me to get out of the house.” Mum locked her eyes with mine for a second.

“I know. You barely go anywhere. That’s why I thought of school.” She whispered. Gabby returned wearing a faded blue cardigan. It had a small chest pocket at the front. I grinned. Mum gave Gabby a $20 note. I couldn’t exactly carry the money myself. I slid into my cousin’s pocket and she stood up. I could feel her soft heartbeat against the cardigan wool.

Mum said goodbye from the kitchen. Gabby looked down at me and I gave an awkward thumbs up. I couldn’t stand up well in the pocket so I sat down and stared at the woven wool around me. Gabby moved quickly. Her feet pounded against the concrete path like drums. I peeked out of the pocket’s thick material. Sunlight blinded my eyes. The world was so big. Our house seemed enormous to me but as Gabby walked I could see many houses, some bigger than ours. Huge trees towered over even Gabby’s head and blotted out the sun. I craned my neck to stare at the green leaves. There was a rush of wind from beside me and I almost screamed. A car zoomed past so quickly it was scary. The size of it was shocking. The whole world made me feel so, so small. I shrank back into the warmth of my pocket and curled up into a ball.

“You ok?” Gabby asked as she walked. I swallowed and took shaky breaths.

“Yeah. It’s just a bit full on.” I whispered. I took another peek and automatically ducked when a man in a tweed coat passed us. I caught a whiff of his cologne and pinched my nose. I settled to look up at the sky from my pocket after that. I watched the white clouds float past like the cotton wool buds I use for pillows. I listened to Gabby’s slow breathing, the thumping of her heart. And then, we were there.

The first thing I smelt was vanilla. Mixed with grease.

“You can look you know.” Gabby whispered to me. I slowly raised my head to look outside. People everywhere. They bustled past Gabby, some with babies in prams. The floor was tiled and clean but I quickly averted my eyes when I saw the many feet walking on it. So many flashing signs and colours got my attention and I peered in wonder at the many lined stalls and shopping centres before me. People walked in front and behind of us. They didn’t look at Gabby much, but when they did I ducked. This place was so big and if I got lost here, someone would find me and squish me like a bug. I liked having the comfort of Gabby’s warm body against mine. She felt me press against her chest and looked down.

“It’s cool. Must be overwhelming though.” She said quietly. I nodded. Loud music pounded in my ears. I stayed curled up in the corner of the pocket until we reached the first store. “It’s called Diva.” Gabby whispered without looking down at me. “Sells jewellery and knick knack sort of things.” I slowly stuck my head out from the pocket and gasped. The store was huge. Girls crowded around the items on display and chatted and there were rows upon rows of shiny silver necklaces and bracelets that were strung up in an orderly fashion. Gabby steered us to the back wall to stop in front of a rack of thin silver chains with different shaped pendants hanging from them. I watched Gabby’s hands sort through the necklaces from my seat.

 “They’re beautiful.” I breathed.

“I know.” Gabby said. She held up a necklace bearing what looked like a china teapot charm.

“That would look so good on you.” I said, as she modelled it on her chest.

We continued on like this. Gabby would look in the stores and I would just look at whatever was in front of me. It was interesting, I have to admit. There were so many shops that caught my attention with their bright names. Gabby chatted to me quietly as she walked.    

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