Shopping with Thomas

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She said nothing as we entered the shop, which actually surprised me since she didn’t shut up before. My eyes flickered down into my chest pocket to see her sleeping softly amongst the blue polar fleece. I couldn’t help but smile… What has gotten into me? I’m… pitying her? Amy Leeback, a shrunken? I must be insane. I shook the feeling away abruptly as I entered the two dollar shop with my hands shoved in my back pockets and a sullen expression plastered across my face. Amy stirred quietly as I shifted down the aisles. I have no idea why I’m doing this. Trying to win someone’s friendship? By bribing them? I really am insane.

My eyes scanned the rows of knick knacks boringly. Why did I come here, anyway? Was it the black tendrils around my chest and shoulders that burned when I moved. I could feel the things now as they shifted inside me. It brought a nauseating feeling to my stomach. The things in my veins were like writhing snakes. I’d never seen anything like them before. Amy poked her head out of the pocket and yawned deeply. She rubbed her eyes and sighed.

“Oh, um… hi.” She mumbled when she saw me looking down at her. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “I fell asleep, didn’t I?” She huffed. I shrugged, unsure of what to say. I knew that Amy was excited to get out of the house and all after two months. But I was really crap at having a conversation, even with my  friends. Was Amy my friend? I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. My eyes skimmed lazily over the trinkets and ornaments on the shelves. The shop was practically bare, no one in sight. It was strange, really, that there were so many shoppers outside but none bothered to come here.

“So,” I sighed inwardly. “What did you have in your old room?” Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure what the shrunken fancied. When I tried to picture myself that size, weak and defenceless, all I received was a deep shudder.  I spose Amy was used to the feeling though. She didn’t know any different. From what I’d read in mum’s notes, the girl was changed as an infant.

“Well, I had watches, an IPod, a cellphone, a… doll’s bed, a lunchbox container for a bath, um… lots of tissues and pillows… ok. This is awkward.” Amy laughed lightly from the pocket. She was standing up now and was leant back against the soft material, thoughts wandering. I studied the shelves of wrist watches and pulled out a plastic fluoro green one with a glow in the dark face.

“This?” I asked, my expression blank. Amy shrugged.

“Sure… I guess.” Her voice was soft, barely a whisper. I nodded and shoved the thing in my shopping basket. I grabbed two boxes of super soft tissues and a small cutting of fluffy cheetah patterned material, unsure of what to get. My own mind wandered uncontrollably. I thought of Marcus, most of the time. Our old friendship, mostly. We used to be inseparable. We’re anything but that now. I thought dryly. I turned to see Amy staring up at me curiously. She averted her eyes when I returned the glance and fiddled with the polar fleece material around her.

“What?” I asked. Amy looked back up at me and smiled slightly.

“I’m just… thinking.” She said in the same soft tone.

“About what?”

“What you’re doing.” She shrugged her tiny shoulders.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“Come of it Thomas!” She said, louder now. “You’ve had this like… personality change in the timespan of a day!” She paused to give out a sigh and continued. “I’m not gonna lie but yesterday and for the past two months you’ve been an outright douche. But now… you almost… care.”

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