Chapter 3-

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This chapter is dedicated to my awesome friend/fan !!!!! :) Read her works too and I'm sure you will love them !! :D


Jasmine's P.O.V

The rest of the day at school passed in a blur, mainly because I had the two most boring subjects: Science and Maths.

When the final bell rang I was the first one to run out the classroom door throwing my bag over my shoulders as I headed for my brother's car. Unluckily for me I didn't have the keys for the car so I had to wait outside until John came...

I waited.... and waited...and waited... until finally, when the parking lot was deserted he came out of the schools doors kissing Stephanie. If I could of I would have pressed the car horn for as long as I could.

When their lips departed each other's they hugged goodbye and John headed towards me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Could you have taken any longer?" I asked my brother hoping he heard the sarcasm that came from my voice.

"Yeah, I probably could of." John said, almost singing the words out.

I gave a sigh, hoping I would soon find my mate.

"Chop, chop, day dreamer." John opened the passenger door for me while he started the engine.

"Oh right." Now he was waiting for me. 'Karma.' I rolled my eyes and jumped in the car.

John started driving out of the parking lot and he started talking.

"Dad called me at lunch and he wants me to tell you that you have to come to the pack meeting tonight."

"What? Why? I haven't even turned yet." I whined, sounding like a five year old.

"Well Dad just said it was important for you to come to the meeting." John tried to explain.

"Oh...Well anyways I have some homework to do so I might not finish it in time..." I trailed off.

"Like you're not going to finish your homework before hand, the meeting isn't until 7pm." John rolled his eyes at me then concentrated on the road.

I scoffed.

Once we got home I ran inside and said hello to my mum who was in the kitchen cleaning and I ran up to my room. I opened my laptop to turn it on and I also opened my exercise book for Wolf Mythology. I debated in my mind for a few minutes deciding what to type into the Google search bar, as the information I needed to get about the white wolf wouldn't be there in black and white, in front of me. I then decided not to even research it on the internet and instead I went downstairs to ask my mum if she knows about the rare white wolf.

I found my mum who was still in the kitchen and I asked her if she knew about the white wolf.

"Hey mum, for homework we have to research about the last white wolf-" My mother cut me off.

"The White Wolf." She said slowly and she looked frozen.

"Yeah, the white wolf. So, do you know about the last one? Because I need to research it for homework." I told her slowly, hoping she got every word of it.

She muttered something to herself and then snapped out of her frozen state, "Um... I don't know anything..." She said, but it wasn't very convincing. "Maybe you should ask your father." Mum told me.

"Mum, he's not home, he won't be home until after the pack meeting, remember?" I was a bit confused to why my mum was acting strange.

"Oh right, right. Um... come with me when I take your brother to the meeting."

"Dad called John before saying I had to come anyway."

"Okay, well you better bring a jacket because it will start to get cold by 7pm." She ordered me.

I nodded and went back up to my room. I closed the door behind me and I laid down on my bed and fell asleep. I had a strange dream...

'I was in the middle of nowhere in the forest, well that's what it seemed to be. I was surrounded by men in thick leather jackets with bow and arrows pointing at me and chains hanging by their side.

'Get away from me,' but instead of words coming out of my mouth a fierce growl ripped through my throat. Making some men back away, but others just laughed.

"You think a wolf like you could harm us? A wolf like you could out run us?" He laughed.

I took a step backwards, backing away from the man who must have been the leader of the hunters, but as I did an arrow shot my foot and I yelled in pain. I bent my head down to see an arrow sticking out of my front right foot and some blood starting to drip slowly staining my snowy white fur. Using my mouth I pulled the arrow out of my foot and gave out another yelp.

The men rested their arms with the arrows and started laughing again. "Aw the poor mutt got hurt." A man in grey said.

Their smart remarks started to annoy me and a louder and fiercer growl came out of my mouth. The arrows started to all raise again their fingers ready on the trigger, but this time not at me. When the last few men raised their arrows there was a high pitched, ear piercing growl.

A black wolf came running towards me all full speed, arrows following the wolf who was my mate as he moved, until the black wolf I knew very well stood next to me. I was scared as the men were eyeing me and my mate with the arrows ready to kill us.

All of a sudden a voice invaded my thoughts. 'Use your force field to protect yourself, while I attack them and you run for it, make sure you never let your force field fall or you will be shot by the arrow. Got it?'

I winced and thought 'Got it.'

'Now, on the count of 3, 2, 1...'

My mate, the black wolf attacked the man who I assumed was the leader of the hunters, he got a good grip on the man and bit him. The man fell on the floor, crying in pain as he was now going to die. The other men stood there in shock, but one didn't and instead he pressed the trigger on the arrow and shot my mate right in the head.

I shifted back into my human form running towards my mate. "Noooooooo!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

I forgot to run, I forgot to use my force field and I too was shot, shot right in the heart...'


Hello Readers,

As you can obviously tell I uploaded the third chapter which I hoped you enjoyed! :) 

Please tell me what you think, by commenting, voting or if you really like my story fan ! it would mean a lot if you did! <3

Thanks ~animalxlover~

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