Chapter 14-

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Heeeeey People I uploaded again, just so it makes sense Nathaniel’s point of view is like before Jasmine is shot at.


Nathaniel's P.O.V

I was strolling around the woods close to my house in my wolf form, in case there was any danger, but really all I wanted to do was clear my head.

Last night I took a big chance and now Jasmine probably wants to kill something or me. But I don't deny the fact that I enjoyed the kiss, I really did and I couldn't deny the fact that there was sparks too. Now I have this gut feeling she felt it too. Well I hope she did, then maybe we could be more than friends.

My dad was telling me when I woke up this morning that I need to attend a pack meeting soon, otherwise I won't be apart of any pack. However I haven't told him I'm a black wolf and I am going to be a leader of a pack, but which pack? I don't know...I am just worried I will be a horrible alpha and go crawling to my dad for help.

'I wonder what colour wolf jasmine is going to be? Brown or white, they are the only two possible colours for her anyway.' My thoughts kept tracing back to Jasmine in some way, so she was on my mind the whole time I was outside.

My ears picked up my message ringtone on my phone so I trotted back to the house, not bothering the shift back into my human form I walked into the house with my muddy paws.

My mother screamed her head off at me, literally. "Nathaniel Jacob George Williams, I spent all morning cleaning the house and you just walk inside with your muddy black paws and drop bits of black fur on the tiles!" I heard her sigh and then yell, "I am leaving for work don't destroy the house."

I just kept trotting to my room and once I entered I shifted into my human form do I could check my phone.

'Happy belated birthday!


That's strange she sent me a message yesterday about my birthday and she is sending me another, she mustn't remember that.

To pass the time before lunch I sorted through my clothes into three categories; don't fit me, fit me and I need you. Except the 'I need you' category is for me to go shopping and buy, because a lot of my clothes now are too small for my muscles and the fit me category is most of my dads’ hand-me-downs. I flexed my muscles and mused at them, 'they grew quickly during my transformation.'

"Eewwww gross, put some clothes on!" Katarina squealed as she walked past my room.

I looked down and realized I was only wearing my boxers. I started to laugh and grabbed a blue singlet and jeans from my wardrobe, it felt strange wearing these clothes because they aren't mine. I contemplated whether to play on the gaming console or go back outside, but my need for fresh air won and I strolled back outside joyfully.

The wind picked up leaving an icy trail on my skin, so I shifted into my wolf form and dove for the trees to stay hidden ad secure. I circled around my house hidden by the trees when I heard a single gunshot, very soft but my excellent hearing picked it up. It felt like the rest of the world stopped and in my head all I heard was my wolf screaming "maaaaatttteeeeeee!" I froze for a minute and then I started sprinting to the sound of the gunfire. There was another gunshot fired and I doubled my speed. In 30 seconds it felt like I had travelled across half the country but in actual fact I didn't.

I found the result of the gunfire in a matter of seconds, blood everywhere and a limp body on the floor with two fresh wounds in the leg. I wished I didn't recognize the person but I couldn't help notice it was Jasmine. I shifted back into my human form and scooped her up into my arms and started running.

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