Chapter 1

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"What are we going to do, Rinkaji?"

Tori looked over to her friend and sister, Maggie, with dismay. The announcements of the top ten cadets were going to come out, declared by Keith Shadis, leader of the Training Corps. The circle of trainees were engaged in rapid conversation, all but Maggie and Tori Kimoti, dodging the commotion. Maggie gave a nervous glance over, and slumped back onto the  bunk, her long braid over her shoulder. Fifteen cadets were deciding which branch of the military they would enter.

"I'm joining the Garrison if I join the top ten. Life behind the walls is better than being a corpse," Florence Addington remarked. Muttering around the circle agreed with Florence.
Tori butted into the conversation, joining the group. "I'm going to Wall Sheena with the MPs. I know they only take the top five, but I'll make it..." Maggie rolled over on the bunk to face the rest.

"Considering I almost died twice from vertical maneuvering, I probably won't make it to the top," Maggie said perfunctorily to everyone listening, "I want to join the MPs, though" Tori rolled her eyes sarcastically in reply.

"I never came close to death, losers." A deep voice erupts from the other side of the room. Marcus Cens swaggered over, parading the fact he had pretty much ensured him a life of safety in the Military Police. "I'm going to be first in the class. The rest of you will be dead within a year in the Garrison and Survey Corps." Maggie stood up and walked over to Marcus.

"Just because you survived the Titan attack of Wall Maria eight years ago without losing so much as an enemy, doesn't mean you get to parade the fact around that you're always better than the rest of us!" Maggie yelled, red in the face, attempting to look Marcus square in the eye.. Marcus looked down, laughing, "Is this what you call threatening? I could barely hear you down there!" Maggie looked further up, insulted, as Marcus was a foot taller than her, Maggie being the shortest in the group of cadets. Marcus was also the only one in the group who hadn't lost anything in the attack on Wall Maria eight years ago, while most had lost almost everything.

Tori stayed silent, staring away from the madness. She knew not to get in an argument with Marcus, or it would lead to a bloody floor and an angry Keith Shadis. The last time they had fought, Keith made them run for ten miles.

The room went completely silent, other than the tapping of Marcus' boot on the wooden floor. Before Maggie could say anything, Marcus turned abruptly and left the room. All of the cadets heard the squeaking of his boots as he walked away.

"Ignore him." Tori tells Maggie, while rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

"I'll try, Chimoshiki, I'll try." Maggie replies, before everyone silently climbs into their beds. From where they lay, Maggie and Tori can see the light of the moon shining through the window.

Goodnight, Tori thought, but Maggie was already fast asleep.

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