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Tyler had barely made it 10 feet before he had to sit down. He found a boulder like thing that was small enough for him to climb on to. He sat down and tried to control his breathing. He couldn't hear the breathing anymore. He tried to walk in the opposite direction. He pulled down his pants once he decided that the thing was gone. He looked at his cut and it was more of a bruise. There was blood but more dirt and more yellow and purple. He didn't know what to do so he put his pants back on. He didn't want to worry about being cold or losing them. Even though he was asleep 2 hours ago he didn't have the power to keep going. He laid down in a ball and gently drifted away.
    He dreamed about a guy. He was tall and didn't have a shirt on, but he did have a black ski mask on, the one robbers would use. His hair was cut into a mohawk with the top part dyed red. He was behind a drum kit he was softly playing the beat and making the tune with the cymbals. All of a sudden, he threw his arms up and hit the sticks together. He began to pound on the drums like his life depended on it. His face gave away the fact that he was having the time of his life. Sweat began to fly off him. He was so clearly happy. He made direct eye contact with Tyler. Suddenly the boy began to cry. He wasn't terribly sad looking he appeared to be crying for someone else.

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