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Josh went back after taking a rest, reliving the exact same dream as before. Maybe it was morning. He had no idea what time it was. The boy was gone but he left a note: 'Thank You'. Wow. Considerate.
Josh tried to carry all the sticks back to his camp for a fire. Maybe if he could find the right stuff, he could make a spark. Perhaps there was hope for a torch. He tried to carry it all but there were too many sticks. He took off his tee shirt and tied it around the bundle of sticks. He was hot anyway. On the way to his settlement he found a lighter. Why was there a lighter in the middle of an established wasteland? Who's was it? Does it even work? He pushed down with his thumb to spark the small metal pieces together. It worked. The little flame shone a bright blue and yellow. It was beautiful. He couldn't wait to use it. He tucked it in to his front pocket. He kept going with his eyes peeled on the ground. He found some twine and a slug. He hoped it would taste good. It didn't. He would have thrown up if he had anything in his stomach to begin with. Eating the slug was a bad idea.

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