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Josh woke up and felt great. Except the crick in his neck. He stood up and stretched. He felt his back, shoulders, and knees pop. That was refreshing. He began to look for anything to eat. He was hungry and had been asleep for god knows how long. He began walking around. Away from the way he had originally come. If he'd seen food. He would have grabbed it. He heard the walking again. He stopped looked around and saw it: someone was here. His first reaction was to kill them. Food is much more important than sanity. But he thought he'd wait to see what they do. He crouched behind a rock with plywood leaning on it. There was enough light to see them. The person crawled up on to the boulder and commenced to take off their pants? Why would they do that? They appeared to be favoring one leg. Josh saw the gash on his leg and understood. The person just sat there looking at the injury. Aren't they going to clean it? Maybe they don't know how. They replaced their pants and laid down in a ball. And fell asleep. Thank god, Josh's legs began to cramp up. He stood up and walked over to the sleeping being. It was a guy. A man even. He had light brown hair. Josh gently pulled off his pants. Anytime he stirred Josh stopped. He pulled a corner of the sleeping beings shirt off. Josh gently got all the dirt away from the wound. He got another piece off and tied it around the wound. He put his pants back and went back to his own camp. Why did he help him? Doesn't he understand prey and predator? He could have eaten for weeks. There was something so helpless looking about the wounded boy asleep on the rock.

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