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It was 2:30, which meant I had ten minutes to get to the detention room. I headed down the hall, skateboard in hand. I was thinking of skating but that was something I had done before which led to three days in lunch detention.

I texted my mom on my journey to hell.

Me: hey I got detention gonna be home late
Mom: okay?

I was always a little hurt when I noticed my mom's lack in care for me. But I didn't let it bother me any longer when I walked into the room.

There was only one other girl in detention and three guys. The girl was named Rebecca, I recognized her because she was a cheerleader.

I noticed one boy who used to have a thing with Tiffany but I didn't see a reason why detention with him would be awkward. The other two boys looked familiar but I didn't know them personally.

I knew detention would be a bore. I plugged in my headphones and laid my head down.

I was listening to My Chemical Romance when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see a familiar face. It was Kevin.

"So how's Tiffany?" Kevin asked me. "Is she like, you know... with someone?"

"Well she's not with him but if you're asking me if she's moved on then yeah," I sighed.

"Just tell her I said sorry," and he left before I could say anything.

Kevin was kinda cute. I didn't like him but I could see where Tiffany was coming from when she dated him last year. He was tall, 6'3 maybe. He was bulky and he played baseball. His eyes sparkled when he talked and his smile was perfect. Though, he was a player.

I had warned Tiffany that she shouldn't get too attached, but she did. He left her after they slept together and she was heartbroken for a month. I wanted to say "I told you so" but I didn't bother, she got the message.

It was four and I finally got out of detention. I skated home and saw that I had a message. It was from David, a guy on my soccer team.

David: where u at practice started almost an hour ago
Me: srry I couldn't make it I had detention. I won't be able to go for 2 weeks
David: why do u have detention?
Me: I'll tell u later

I had soccer practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:30 to five. I was bummed but I wasn't too worried.


When I got home I took a quick shower then took a two hour nap. When I woke up I procrastinated by watching FRIENDS, one of my favorite shows.

I heard the doorbell ring and I went downstairs to get it. I saw David trying to open the door then knocking.

"What do you want?" I asked opening the door.

"I just wanted to hear why you couldn't make it that's all," he said sincerely.

"Fine come in." I said a little annoyed. "I just got detention for two weeks that's it."

"What'd you do?" David asked surprised. "Is it like what happened in 5th grade or 8th?"

"Don't mention those," I say as my face flushes. "I've just been late a lot lately."

"Well I brought clothes so I'm gonna stay the night."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm just kidding I'm heading to Tyler's so see yeah," he laughed and walked out.

This didn't actually happen to me but we did text this conversation. Melanie is going to meet the guy she's been dreaming of in the next chapter. I think, unless I remember something else that happened. I guess this is like a "filler" chapter?? Idk I'm new at this.

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