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I wake up to my alarm as I struggle to turn it off. I know I should wake up for school or I'd be late once again, but my brain wasn't functioning with my body.

When I finally stood up I had five minutes to get dressed and skate to school. I was clearly going to be late so I took my time getting ready.

I threw on a Twenty One Pilots black t-shirt and black jeans. Topping it off with my black and white sk8 hi vans. I didn't bother fixing my hair although my bangs were barley visible.

As I skated to school I checked the time; it was 7:53. I noticed I had gotten two messages; one from my mom and one from my best friend, Tiffany.

My mom's message read: Check your backpack I left a note so you wouldn't go to OCI just put a date.

I texted back thx although I wanted to go to OCI.

Tiffany: where u at?
Tiffany: Melanie!! Don't tell me ur gonna be late again??
Tiffany: AnSwer ME
Me: srry I'm on my way


After school I got home at 3:03. Tiffany alongside me most days. Her house was two blocks from mine but she practically lived with me.

Tiffany was 5'6, she was slim but had curves. She also had long straight hair that she continuously dyed mahogany. She was gorgeous.

On the other hand, I was 5'2, was chubby and had very short wavy hair. My hair was dyed down the middle, blonde on one side and black on the other. I always changed the color when something "life altering" occurred.

I wasn't ugly but compared to Tiffany I wasn't the most attractive. I wasn't jealous of her in any way however since I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I immediately went to the kitchen and brought a bag of chips out to share with Tiffany as we watched our daily movie. Today we decided on Superstar which was hilarious as always. 

At around 4:30 my brother barged in the house and ran upstairs. A moment later the doorbell rang and the door opened. It was Bryan, one of my brother's friends. He looked at us and nodded as he went upstairs with my brother, Jessie.

Bryan always came over, even more than Tiffany, and he was almost like a second brother to me. Bryan and Jessie were both juniors while me and Tiffany were sophomores.

Bryan and Tiffany had a thing for each other. I had recently found out when she claimed to like soccer. I asked her why and she said she was interested in someone who liked soccer. I hadn't put much thought into it but one day Bryan asked me what I knew about Keeping up with the Kardasians. I asked him and he said he was interested in someone who watched it. It didn't take long for me to put 2 and 2 together.

When it was 8:00 I decided to call it a day since I needed to complete some homework. Tiffany went home and I went up to my room.

When it was 9:45 I took a shower and scrolled through Instagram until almost midnight. I put my phone to charge and I fell asleep.

I know this is pretty boring so far but oh well. So I recently got Wattpad and I read a story which I didn't even know was a fanfic but overall it was great. I decided to write a story of my own although I'm not the best writer and I doubt anybody will see it. I don't know where my plot will be or anything but this character is largely based on myself. I might write about one of my experiences but idk yet. Anyways bye I guess :):  btw I'm super awkward so yeah...

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