●○°•Part 6•°○●

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W E D D I N G  D A Y

"Are you ready?" Boss asked me holding my arm ready to walk me down the aisle.
"As ready as I'll ever be" I said swiping my bang out of my face a little and putting my hand back on David's arm.

 "As ready as I'll ever be" I said swiping my bang out of my face a little and putting my hand back on David's arm

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"Let's go"
"And now these two will recite their vows...Clyde you may go first" the pastor said. Clyde smiled showing his deep dimples.

"Bonnie. Honestly I didn't know we would make it this far. When we first met I knew I wanted to date you but no I did not know that I would marry you. But I am truly happy I am. Over all these year I fell hard. I fell for you in the hardest way imaginable . You truly are a rider and I'm happy that you are my rider. Shidd - oh I'm sorry pastor dan." Clyde said making the few people we invited laugh and the pastor patted his shoulder.

"But like I was sayin...bonnie you are smart, mean But smart, and beautiful and no matter what the problem is I'm not letting you go. I got this far with you and im happy for it. This day we are finally married and it will be the best day of my life today, tommorow, and forever." He said and I blinked back tears and I could tell Clyde knew I was about to cry.
"It's ok to cry. We are getting married" Clyde said making everyone laugh a little.
"How am I supposed to match that sir" I said placing a hand on my waist making everyone laugh again.
"Ok..Clyde you have been my happiness forever. You are my happiness. We both were going through some tough sh- stuff when we were younger. When I finally was around you things didn't seem so gloomy and sad. You tried your best to make me smile when we're together even when you weren't happy. All I ever did was want you to smile cause that made me feel good. Our first date was amazing and I never told you that and you didn't get angry like some people would. I remember falling and hurting my ankle and even when I said I could walk you still carried me home. When we used to steal from that corner store and got caught you took up for me and took all of the blame. I never understood why you did that but eventually I trusted you when you said you honestly loved me..and Clyde I honestly love you" I said sniffling every now and then as a few tears ran down my cheeks. Queen gave me a tissue and I thanked her slightly dabbing at my eyes. Then the pastor carried on.

---------R E C E P T I O N----------

"Congratulations once again to the newly weds" Queen said as king placed a hand on the small of her back and they raised their glasses as the few other people did the same. We all cheered and clapped and took a sip of our wine. Me and Clyde looked at each other and he looked me up and down and kicked his lips.
"No no no no no. None of that until honey moon time" I said and he opened his mouth to speak when queen came up.
"You looked beautiful in your wedding dress but this reception dress of yours...ok mami I see ya" Queen said making me laugh and she blew a kiss towards me as she walked away to talk to the other people.
"You do look good in that dress. I sense your teasing me showing all your curves like that " Clyde whispered in my ear.
"Maybe..maybe not" I said with a giggle. The cater brought us our glasses of wine that had a bride and groom design on it. I grabbed mine while Clyde grabbed his.
"Thank you" I said and they brought us the knife to cut the cake with.
"Come on husby" I said making Clyde smirk.
"Alright wifey" he said making me smile.
"You and those dimples...you Killen me" he groaned and I laughed. He placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked to the cake table. The camera man came and took a picture of us slicing our slice of cake. Clyde came in for a kiss and as soon as I leaved in he put some ice ing on my nose and mouth.
"Oh see you play too much sir" I said and picked up the entire slice smashing it on the side if his face making everyone laugh. The camera man took a picture of us kissing with icing all over our face. We cleaned up and  started giving out cake.
" Alright it's time for the first dance" king said pulling us to the dance floor. Clyde pulled me close as marry me by David banner started. He whispered things in my ear making me smile and laugh. We eventually broke up and I danced with king and he danced with queen.
"Single women come up" I said thru the mike. 4 women came and I got ready to throw my bouquet. Once I threw it I heard a bunch of noise and a woman squeal.
"I got it! I got it!" Shaquel said and I smiled.
"Make sure you invite me" I said with a smirk and she nodded with a smile.
"Bride..come sit" Queen said pointing to the chair as Clyde came over with a smirk. I smiled and blushed at the same time knowing everyone was finna laugh they ass off. The camera man took a picture of Clyde helping me sit down.
"Toman did you get the picture of me throwing the bouquet" I asked and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and hid my face as Clyde lifted my dress and pulled down my Gartner with his mouth as all the single men cheered ready to catch it.
"nah y'all ain't getting this" Clyde said mugging them and stuffing it in his pocket. He threw up his Rolex and they literally threw punches over it. It was just a million dollar watch Geez.
"Alright everyone can eat" king said and I laughed. Me and Clyde went to take pictures.
(((This is not them just an idea of the pictures they took)))

(((This is not them just an idea of the pictures they took)))

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"I love you bonnie" he said.
"I love you too clyde" I said.

"Alright you guys have fun at your honeymoon and try not to get pregnant " Queen said and I scoffed with a laugh.
"Last thing on my mind is getting pregnant right now...later in life I'll consider it" I said as king and Clyde put our bags on the jet.
"Alright well we should be able to get bye with out you two for 2 weeks" Queen said as they joined us.
"Alright bye guys thanks for the help on planning" I said waving and they nodded before leaving. I sat on Clyde lap as the jet took off. I took a bite of the spinach alfredo he was eating. We were going to an island queen and king bought for their honey moon and took trips too on very rare times.
"You do realise there is a bed room on this thing...technically it is honeymoon time." Clyde said.
"The day after tomorrow" I said wiping my mouth.
"You Killen me bonnie I've had a bonor since I saw you come down the aisle..." he groaned and I laughed.
"Oh well..now give me a kiss husby" I said and he rolled his eyes but kissed me anyway.
"How about oral?" He asked and I groaned standing up going into the bathroom ignoring him. I was finally married to my clyde.

A/n: 1 more chapter left. 1,314 words.

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