Part 7:The finals

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I opened my eyes hearing the tires of the jet touch ground. I stretched and looked out the tiny oval window. I smiled and looked at the beautiful island.I pulled out my gun and got ready to stand up. I stood up hearing a single gun shot already knowing what was done.
"Couldn't you have waited until after he got the bags off the jet?" I said with a single yawn as Clyde caim front the pit. He smirked.
"I got it. Go ahead and go look through the house" He said nodding towards the house the jet was parked behind. I smiled basically running towards the semi-large house. I opened the back sliding door and looked at the large dining room. It was decorated nice with a light brown and gold theme. I felt the fabric of the chairs and admired how smooth and not rigid they were. I walked through the second opening leading me to the kitchen which had a large opening showing the livingroom.I looked around the kitchen loving the black and silver theme. I looked in the pantry seeing it was newly and fully stocked. I walked thru the next opening leading to a turn right to stairs or a turn left to the living room. I turned left looking at the plain white livingroom knowing not to let clyde in here. I shook my head with a smirk knowing i was gunna end up letting clyde in here cause we were gunna have sex on the couch. I bit my bottom lip at the thought of it since we hadn't done anything for almost 2 months. I was resiting as hard as i could. I promised myself one more day. I looked out the window at the beach and at the sunset. It was gorgeous. I turned around knowing things like that didn't last long. I blinked at the silence knowing i wasnt gunna be able to relax without doing anything. I went up stairs and saw only 3 doors. I opened 1 seeing it was a guest room,another being a guest bathroom,lastly being the master bedroom. I made sure queen changed out all the furniture in the house knowing her and king probably had sex on it all. I shook my head disgusted by the thought. I looked around the large bedroom with a jacuzzi in the middle of the floor. I turned it on and felt the water deciding to get in it tonight. I looked up deciding to go check on clyde,seeing as tho it was too quite and he was taking a little too long. I turned off the jacuzzi standing up. I walked down stairs and turned the corner seeing all the bags on the floor and clyde eating a piece of the top layer of the cake we brought from the wedding.

"Clyde!" I yelled his name and he froze and looked at me with icing on his mouth and hands "we're supposed to preserve that as a memory nigga!" I yelled at him and he slowly looked at me and licked the icing off his hand. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my hygiene bag going up the stairs. I heard the kitchen sink cut on before i shut our bedroom door. I went into the bathroom and set my bag on the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror before turning on the sink. I rinsed off my face before wiping off my makeup and pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I looked down at my short flowy white dress. I went to the full body mirror to look myself up and down,something i havent done since i got my first dress on. I admired how nice the all white converse went with the dress. I took the shoes off walking to the shower turning it on. I went to the large window and watched as the water twinkled with the little sunlight left. It was a beautiful sight,almost like something from a painting. I turned and stripped from the rest of my clothing letting my hair fall and get wet as i showered making all the spritz and other hair products rinse out. I washed my hair before basing. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and saw that the sun had set and the water twinkled in the moon light. I walked downstairs to see clyde cooking and decided not to bother him. I went out on the beach and stared at the water. The air was humid and there was a slight breeze sending a chill thru my body. I glanced behind me to see clyde leaning against the doorway with a smirk on his face and a lifted eyebrow. I dropped the towel and slowly walked in the water.I stopped when the water reached just a little above my nipple. I looked up at the moon enjoying the quiet and the beautiful sight. I looked behind me to see clyde gone. I shrugged it off guessing he went back in to finish cooking. I closed my eyes and took in the cool thick air. I heard the water move behind me and didn't want to be paranoid but couldn't help it. I turned around seeing no one. I squinted and frowned. I looked back in front of me at the moon before slowly walking forward letting the water fully cover my entire body and hold my breath looking around the water enjoying the beautiful view of the tropical fish swimming around.

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