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Chapter 23:

"I fell in love with her..
I dont know how? I dont know why.
I just did."

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

(At the mall)

Tomorrow is her very special day..
I am here at the mall to buy her a gift,
But.. what kind of gift? =__=
I'm still not sure of what I'm gonna give to her.


"Hey Baek!"
I look around and it was Anya.


What the fck?
Why is she here?
I thought she migrated to U.S.?


"Hi Anya!"

"How are you Baek? And why are you here in the mall? Youre not fond of shopping.."

"Ow.. Im fine Anya, Oh I came here to buy a gift."

"A gift for??"

"For Kenberly.. tomorrow is her special day.."

"Oh really? Wow.."

"Hey? I thought you migrated in the U.S.?"

"Oh yes.. I did, but you know what? Its been years, and I really miss my mom, so I came here to visit her.. I'll only be here for a week.. Then after that, I'll be heading back to U.S."

"Ahh.. Okay, Uhm I'd better get going now."

"What? Wait! We're not yet done talking Baek."


"Uhmm I'm also looking for a gift." She said

"Huh? Really? For who?"

"For my friend, Uhm Its her Birthday tomorrow."

"What's her name?"

"Oh her name? Uhmm.. uhm.. I forgot her name.. haha."


"Okay Anya.."


"So? What are your plans for Ken's Birthday?"
She said

"Huh? What plan?"

"Do you have a surprise for her?"

"Huh? Uhm not really.."

"Oh come on, I'm sure you have a surprise for her.."

"Well.. yeah, I do have One."

"What is it?" She said

"Uhm. Its a secret."

"Oh come on? Tell me.. please?"


"I wont tell anyone about it."

"Tsss.. okay" She said

"Hey Baek!!!"

I look around and it was my friend Tao.

"Hey! Tao how are you?"
I said

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