Its complicated

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Chapter 29:
"It's complicated"

"If you love someone, you just got to fight for them.. even though It's a huge risk.."

Anya's P.O.V.
(After the party)

"You've done a great job Dyo.."
I said

"What have you done to Baek?"

"Oh nothing, I have done nothing... You did.."

"What do you mean Anya?"

"Oh come on! You act like youre not part of the plan dude =__= fck."

"I dont understand you Anya. I am not part of your plan, I never was.. and I never will be.."

"Oh shit Dyo!?? You're the reason why baek left.. dont you get it? I have done nothing wrong.. but you did.!"


"Yeah, he saw you both dancing... and you know what? My plan worked out.. I have waited for this day.."

"Where is he? Where did you take him??!!!"

"Oh? Its not your problem anymore okay?? So shut up..
Mind your own business, and I'll mind mine too.. You can have Ken, And I'll Baekhyun.."

"Youre such an evil girl.."

"Oh? What?? Of course I am.! I always get what I want."

"But you cant have Baekhyun!"

"Oh? Youre acting a bit strange right now? I thought you hated Baek? Why are acting like a hero now??"

"Youre not funny Anya."

"Of course I'm not.."

Then suddenly, I heard my phone ringing and It was my boys calling..

"Yes? How is he??"

"Maam, He's in the Hospital right now.. we followed them."

"Okay! I'll be there in a minute."

"What?? What have you done to him?"

"Oh no.. nothing at all. I just gave him a little lesson."

"I'm gonna tell his parents about it!" He said

"WHAT?? WHY?? haha? Excuse me Dyo? But.. Youre part of the plan.. and if you'll tell them.. Im sure everyones gonna hate you."

"You used me!"

"Yes, I did.. And you let me do that.. I need to go now!"

Then I left..

Funny huh? He mustve thought that my plan was just a joke.
I'll be heading back to U.S. by the end of this week and I'll bring Baek with me..

(In the hospital)

Theres this girl sitting outside the emergency room.

"Excuse me?"

"Uhm.. yes??"

"Is my boyfriend in there??"

"Huh? Uhm.. you're his girlfriend?? Uhm.. nice meeting you miss. Im Elisha, I found him beaten up and left alone in the road bleeding.
But wait?? If youre his girlfriend..
how did you know that he's here?
I thought.. you were having a party?

"It's none of your business. He's mine. Okay?"

I handed her some money, in case if she wants some =___=

"Uhm miss? I dont need your money. I just want you to thank me.."

Shiiit =___=
This girl has some attitude..

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