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Chapter 30:

"The toughest part of letting go is realizing that the other person already did."

Kenberly's P.O.V.

I am now here outside of his room..
And its already 11:30PM..
I want to knock..
I want to...

I want to speak to him...


And this time..
I'll fight for him..
I'll be never be weak again..

Then I did it..
I knock..


"Who is it?"

"Its.. me...Ken."

I waited for him to say come in.
But he didnt even respond to me..
So I opened the door..
And I found him..
With bruises..
and cold..

"Why are you here?"
He said

"I dont understand Baek? Why? what's wrong? Why Did Tita Cristina forbid me to talk to you. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong.. I just dont like you. I hate you and I dont want to see your face again."

"Fck you baek! I should be the one mad at you right now! What happened to you?"

"It's none of your business anymore, Just get out. I dont want to see your face again. Just forget me Ken"

"Why are you doing this to me?? How can I forget you when youre always on my mind? How can I not want you when youre all I want inside? How can I let go when I cant see us apart? How can I not love you when I cant control my heart?."

"I dont love you Ken.."

"Just as I thought Baek.. you'll just end up breaking my heart again. I guess I expected to much from you. I thought you love me but I guess I was wrong.. "

"And I guess I did expect too much on you too."
He said

"Do you think youre funny Baek? Why are you doing this to me? Do I really deserve to be treated like this? I know Im not the prettiest girl out there. But you love me once. And thought I was beautiful. What is wrong with me now that you wont even speak to me.. and cant even look at me.."
I said and I wiped my tears away..
I'm crying..

"Get out!"
He said

"What did I do Baek? Please lets fix this..."
I said, then I held his hands..
But then he just ignored me..

"Well, Okay.. If that's what you want.. then I'll let you go.
I gave you my heart only to have it broken.
If letting you go means freeing you.. then I'll do that.
But always remember this..
I will always love you forever."
I said then I walked towards the door..
I dont want to leave him.. because thats what my heart says..
But my minds keeps on telling me that its the right thing to do.
Right when I was about to close the door..

"I'll be heading to the U.S. tomorrow with Anya.. I love her.. so please? Dont ruin our lives anymore."
He said
And my tears just flowed out of my eyes..
I love him..
But I dont understand why? And how did we end up in this situation.

"I am now here looking at you.. It will be the last time that I'll see you again..
I wont get to talk to you...
I'll never trust Love ever again..
I love you and I thought you wouldnt break my heart, I wanted to marry you...
But I cant. "

I slammed the door..
And sit outside his room..
I have never felt this kind of pain in my life before..
And my heart is pounding so hard..

What did I do?
Im such an unlucky girl.
I thought I found the my prince..
The one that I wished at the falling star.
But I was wrong..
It hurts so much..
To be played by the person you love..
I guess I'll be heading back now..

Baekhyun's P.O.V.

Change has to be done step by step. It's a process. With consistency. And one day, you will realize how far you have come and will be grateful for it. Similar to your goals and success, you need to take it one day at a time, persevere and work as hard as you can, the best way you know how while living life..
I know I love her, but I think its better for me to let her go.
I have never been this happy in my life..
Because I know.
Letting her go, means freeing her from the pains that I brought to her.
I'll go with Anya..
And maybe I'll just accept the fact that Ken and I are not meant to be together..


I woke up in the hospital and I found Ken..
I couldnt really see her face but I can tell that its her.
Sleeping beside me..


Then she woke up and she stared at me..
And that's when I realize its not her..
Its my ex.. Anya
I want to cry..
But that's not what men do.
Crying wont resolve anything..

She stared at me..
And I saw her beautiful eyes..
They where telling me something, but I dont know what..

"I'm.. ... I'm not Ken."

"Where Am I? And why am I here? Where is Ken? What did you do to her?"

I tried to get up but the pain is very excruciating..
But then she hugged me..

"Please Baek.. please dont hurt yourself."

"Where is she Anya?"

"She's... She's with Dyo.."

"What??.. I want to go to her."

I tried to get up again but I just cant do it..

"Cant you please stop!? Why are you hurting yourself just because of that stupid girl.! Cant you see it Baek?? She doesnt love you! She's in love with Dyo!"

"What are you talking about! Just shut up okay?!"

"Okay... but there's one thing I want you to know...
She danced with Dyo tonight..
They where so graceful together.. and I could see the spark in their eyes.. and please, dont hurt yourself.. It hurts to see you suffering like that. But, always remember this. I will always love you, no matter what happens.. I'll always be here for you. Even if the whole world will hate you, I will always be here for you. Dont forget that."

"Just get out!"

"If that's what you want.. then I'll leave.. I'll be heading back to U.S. tomorrow.. good bye now.."

She walked towards the door..
And just as soon as she stepped out of my room..


She looked at me, and she's crying..
What have I done?
I made a mistake for leaving her...

"What is it Baek?"
She said then she wiped her tears.

"I want.... I want to go with you.."

"But you cant do that.. your body.. its..."


"hmmn.. okay Baek."
Then she closed the door and left
(End of flashback)

I learned that real beauty is not what the eyes can behold but what the heart can hold. what we see with our eyes will vanish someday, but what we store in our heart will forever stay..
She came here...for me..
But what can I do?
She has her prince already..
And I guess it will be better for both of us to break up.

End of Chapter 30

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