I really need to talk to you guys

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So me and my friend were talking about genders. We got really deep into this conversation and I really want you guys to read the whole thing to hear me out. I feel like I need to do this because it's important that you guys know how I feel about this whole spectrum of genders.
This is how my friend replied when I asked her if she thought there were more than two genders.
Though I don't like when people get to crazy with the idea of there being more than two genders

For example: when people start saying their gender is not a boy or a girl but it's a leaf or a plane that's when I get kind of annoyed and I'm like really?"

This is how I replied

"I don't think there are more. I mean, they aren't really genders, it's people identifying themselves as what they think they should be. For example: demigender is born as a girl, but identifying as a boy. It's not really gender it's kind of tomboy?? But I guess you could call it gender? It's weird. I believe in there's more, but I don't think people are getting what they are. Not saying they're stupid, or anything. I could hang around them and not be annoyed when they talk about their gender. I'd be able to hold a conversation with any gender without discrimination."
Thank you for kind of listening to what I think? I appreciate it. Oh and thanks for waiting for the next StoryTime to come out. Sorry for the wait!

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