La Muerte

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I never thought being ruler of the land of the remembered would be so fun! Though I love to see all the souls reunited with their love ones and having fun being up here on my castle can get quite lonley. As much as I would love to join the festivities, I have to stay here in my home making sure everything is okay and welcoming new arrivals. Some of my subjects visit me and I love when they do. I just wish I could meet someone who was like me.

I sat in my throne room alone, like usual. Maybe someone would come and visit me. Candlemaker sometimes visits but he's been busy. I sighed as I fixed one of my flowers. Tomorrow was Dia de los muertos, day of the dead. My favorite time of the year. Everyone gets to go up to the living and see them and I get to wonder around the cemetery admiring the beautiful decorations and altars. I smiled thinking about how I have one thing to look up to at least.

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